A software tool for synchronization of video with signals would be of broad general use to behavioral neuroscientists. A new program, called neurotic (NEUROscience Tool for Interactive Characterization), allows users to review and annotate signal data synchronized with video, performs simple initial analyses including signal filtering and spike detection, is easy to use, and supports a variety of file formats. The program also facilitates collaborations by using a portable specification for loading and processing data and retrieving data files from online sources. Two examples are shown in which the software is used to explore experimental datasets with extracellular nerve or muscle recordings and simultaneous video of behavior. The configuration specification for controlling how data are located, loaded, processed, and plotted is also summarized. Algorithms for spike detection and burst detection are demonstrated. This new program could be used in many applications in which behavior and signals need to be analyzed together.
- behavioral neuroscience
- data sharing
- open source
- Python
- video synchronization
- visualization
Significance Statement
Behavioral neuroscience would benefit from a tool that allows easy visualization of both behavior and neural or other signals. A new tool, called neurotic (NEUROscience Tool for Interactive Characterization), is described that is free and open-source and can make data visualization, analysis, and collaboration much easier.
In behavioral neuroscience, to interpret data after it is collected, it is essential that behavioral video be synchronized with electrophysiology. Although some commercial data acquisition systems may provide this functionality using proprietary hardware, software, and data formats [e.g., Plexon CinePlex Software (Jacobson et al., 2014), Blackrock Microsystems NeuroMotive], and although specialized tools exist for separately analyzing signals or behavioral videos using licensed analysis programs like MATLAB (http://www.mathworks.com/solutions/neuroscience), there are few free and open-source software tools with the capability to synchronize video and neural signals. Although there are many open source neuroscience tools and libraries for analysis of neural signals alone [e.g., Open Ephys (http://open-ephys.org) and NeuralEnsemble (http://neuralensemble.org) are communities focused on developing open source tools for neuroscientists], they often have steep learning curves and require that users program their own scripts. Especially appealing would be an open source application that facilitated the review of electrophysiology data with synchronized video, was simple to install on any computer, easy for non-experts to use, and powerful enough for experienced data scientists to use in their data pipelines.
We have developed neurotic (NEUROscience Tool for Interactive Characterization), a Python tool with these capabilities (for important links, see Table 1). A graphical user interface (GUI) provides interactive plots of raw electrophysiology data, simultaneous video, and simple annotation tools. The program also performs basic data processing, like filtering and spike detection. Since it is built on the Neo library (Garcia et al., 2014), it can read many common electrophysiology file formats. The application is easily installed using common Python tools (pip or conda) or standalone installers, with built-in examples running quickly. After creating human-readable configuration files, users can explore data with the GUI. Portable configuration files and a data-fetching feature facilitate collaboration. Programmers can bypass the GUI and use the application programming interface (API) in their analysis pipelines in scripts and Jupyter notebooks (Kluyver et al., 2016).
Materials and Methods
Software overview
neurotic relies on the Python library Neo (Garcia et al., 2014) for reading electrophysiology files, including formats like Axon, AxoGraph, Blackrock, Intan, and Open Ephys files; it also includes some generic formats like MATLAB MAT-files, HDF5, plain text ASCII, and generic binary data files, provided they are structured properly. Neo manages units (e.g., ensuring signals measured in millivolts and microvolts are summed correctly) using the quantities package (http://pypi.org/project/quantities), and both rely on the ubiquitous Numpy library (van der Walt et al., 2011). neurotic can take advantage of a feature of many of Neo’s file readers, which is to read slices of large files as needed, rather than loading entire files into memory at once; this “fast loading” feature greatly reduces load times and memory consumption.
neurotic reads spreadsheet files (CSV format) using the Python library pandas (McKinney, 2010) to import epochs and events. Epochs are labeled periods of time with a beginning and an end which are used to annotate data by labeling periods of interest. Events are labeled points in time that serve as “bookmarks” into the experiment, allowing users to jump to them. The neurotic interface allows users to create and save epochs to a spreadsheet.
neurotic can read many video file formats using the PyAV library (http://pypi.org/project/av). Sound stored in video files is currently ignored by neurotic.
neurotic can perform processing and analysis procedures on the data, including applying filters, generating spike trains from signal peaks, and identifying bursts (periods of high activity in the spike trains). These procedures are aided by the Python library elephant (http://pypi.org/project/elephant), which provides advanced algorithms for analyzing Neo objects. Many of these algorithms are applications of signal processing procedures implemented in the SciPy package (Virtanen et al., 2020).
Finally, neurotic uses the Python library ephyviewer (http://pypi.org/project/ephyviewer) for plotting and interacting with signals, epochs, events, spike trains, and video frames. ephyviewer is built on the pyqtgraph library (http://www.pyqtgraph.org), which creates a Qt application interface (www.qt.io). Figure 1A shows the neurotic user interface for an example dataset in which neural and force data were collected as an animal fed (Gill and Chiel, 2020). Electrophysiology signals are plotted after filtering, and points mark peaks identified by window discriminators. Video shows the animal’s behavior, and the timing of the displayed frame is indicated by a vertical line superimposed on the plots. A navigation panel allows the user to simultaneously move through the neural data and synchronized video. Another panel (“epoch encoder”) displays user-created epochs as horizontal bars and provides controls for creating and modifying epochs (collapsed in Fig. 1A; for details, see Fig. 1D). A list of user-designated events makes it possible to jump to moments of interest.
Software configuration
neurotic requires configuration before use with a dataset. For example, the paths to the electrophysiology data file and behavioral video file must be specified. Configurations are saved in the human-readable YAML file format which can be used to load and process data repeatedly.
Figure 2 shows an example of a detailed configuration written in the YAML format. A minimal configuration could be much simpler, including, for instance, a single file path. The example is divided into eight sections: (1) a unique dataset name and brief description; (2) file paths may be listed relative to a primary directory; (3) video synchronization parameters; (4) signal plotting parameters; (5) signal filtering; and settings for (6) the epoch encoder, (7) peak detection, and (8) burst detection.
Multiple configurations like that shown in Figure 2 may be contained in a single YAML file. This allows multiple datasets, or alternate processing and display configurations for the same dataset, to be contained within one file. When neurotic is first opened and the configuration file is selected, a list of dataset configurations is displayed (Fig. 1B). The user can choose which configuration to load and can adjust options for how data are loaded and displayed.
For downloadable datasets, including those on private password-protected servers or public data repositories like GIN (http://gin.g-node.org), the configuration may include URLs for the files, and neurotic can download them. In combination with relative file paths, this makes configuration files fully portable, such that users may share them with collaborators and load datasets from other computers.
Synchronizing a video file and a signal data file captured using independent data acquisition systems may be complicated, since files may start at different times or the video may contain multiple trials. neurotic provides several options for synchronization, including options for offsetting the video start time, adjusting frame rate, and skipping sections.
Algorithms for data processing
A simple algorithm for detecting peaks is illustrated schematically in Figure 3. Figure 3A plots nerve activity measured extracellularly (see below, Experimental methods). Each spike is an action potential, and the spike size is determined by the axon size, its proximity to the electrode, and its complement of ion channels.
Prior work in Aplysia has shown that the amplitude and timing of distinct units can identify neurons (Morton and Chiel, 1993; Hurwitz et al., 1996; Lu et al., 2013, 2015; McManus et al., 2014; Cullins et al., 2015). Figure 3B shows amplitude thresholds and epochs that together define windows for peak detection. Each amplitude discriminator has lower and upper thresholds, and may be constrained to labeled epochs. Identified peaks (Fig. 3C) are plotted in the neurotic interface as points and separately as a spike train raster plot (Fig. 1C).
High-frequency activity (bursts), defined by initiation and termination frequency thresholds, can be identified after peak detection. The result of applying burst detectors (configured in Fig. 2H) to the example spike trains is shown by boxes enclosing bursts (Fig. 3D). In the neurotic interface, the timing of detected bursts is plotted as epochs.
neurotic can also calculate the rectified area under the curve (RAUC). This procedure optionally removes a baseline (mean or median) from a signal, performs full-wave rectification (absolute value), and then integrates the signal in bins of fixed duration. The integration step introduces smoothing (dependent on the bin size). The resulting time series is plotted in the neurotic interface. This helps visualize overall signal activity [e.g., electromyogram (EMG), which is known as integrated EMG (iEMG)].
API for additional analyses, customization, and prototyping
neurotic functions as a standalone application and also as a library with classes and functions that may be used in scripts or Jupyter notebooks. With neurotic’s API, users can read configuration files, load data, and apply processing steps as in the GUI. The resulting data objects are represented using Neo’s object model (Garcia et al., 2014) and may then be used for additional analyses. For example, after identifying peaks, creating spike trains, and detecting bursts using a neurotic configuration stored in a YAML file or in memory as a Python dictionary, a user might statistically analyze burst durations, plot inter-spike interval histograms, create publication-quality figures using a plotting package, or export data as part of a larger analysis.
The neurotic package includes an example Jupyter notebook containing a tutorial which can serve as a starting point for new users, and documentation is provided for the API.
Experimental Methods
Animal feeding experiments
Briefly, the methods for obtaining neural correlates of responses to changing load during feeding in intact animals are described (for details, see Gill and Chiel, 2020).
Multichannel differential hook electrodes made from fine stainless steel wires (25-μm diameter, stainless steel 316, heavy polyimide insulated, California Fine Wire) were implanted in adult Aplysia californica (South Coast Bio-Marine; Cullins and Chiel, 2010). Animals were first anesthetized with an injection of isotonic (333 mm) magnesium chloride and immersed in an ice bath. An incision was made in the side of the head, and hook electrodes were attached using Kwik-Sil biocompatible silicone adhesive (World Precision Instruments) to nerves and muscles of the animal’s feeding apparatus: the I2 protractor muscle, the radular nerve (RN), and buccal nerve 2 (BN2) and buccal nerve 3 (BN3). The incision was then sutured closed, and animals were allowed to recover for 1–3 d.
Animals were presented with food in the form of seaweed strips (Deluxe Sushi-Nori, nagai roasted seaweed, Nagai Nori USA INC). While animals fed, signals from the hook electrodes were amplified and filtered (Model 1700 Differential AC Amplifiers, A-M. Systems), digitized (NI PCIe-6251 and NI BNC-2111, National Instruments), and recorded at 5000 Hz using AxoGraph X (AxoGraph Scientific) in continuous acquisition mode and saved in the AxoGraph file format, which is readable by Neo. In some trials, double-sided tape was placed between two seaweed strips to create an unbreakable strip, and this was attached to a force transducer (model FT03E, Grass Instrument Division, Astro-Med Inc) oriented over the animal to measure downward pulling force during swallowing. Force was also amplified, low-pass filtered, digitized by a strain gauge conditioner (model 3170, Daytronic), and recorded using AxoGraph X.
Simultaneously, video of the behavior was captured at 30 frames per second using a webcam (Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920) and Logitech Webcam Software. Video was saved as MP4 files with H.264 video encoding. A digital counter (C342-0562 totalizing counter, Veeder-Root) was programmed to increment at 10 Hz when the recording software was started; the counter was visible in the video recording at the start and end of the experiment, and pulses to the counter were recorded in AxoGraph X. This allowed the difference in timing between the start of video acquisition and the subsequent start of signal acquisition to be determined after the experiment, ensuring that the video and signal data could be synchronized by neurotic.
Human beam walking experiments
The methods for assessing human balance performance and control strategies while walking on a narrow beam are described. The participant consented to the protocol approved by the Georgia Tech and Emory Institutional Review Boards.
The participant attempted to walk as far as possible across a narrow beam with left arm free and right arm held across the chest. The participant was instructed to stop if she uncrossed her right arm or stepped off the beam. No explicit instructions were given regarding stepping pattern or walking speed.
Video data, EMG signals from arm muscles, and kinematics of the body were recorded using a ten-camera motion capture system (Vicon). EMGs were obtained at 1200 Hz from surface electrodes placed over the following arm muscles: biceps, triceps, and wrist flexors and extensors. The 3-D locations of retro-reflective markers placed at the center of the clavicles and both heels were collected at 120 Hz, along with time-synched video data (Vicon Bonita) collected at 40 Hz in AVI format and later converted to MP4 files.
Using neurotic for reviewing behavioral video and synchronizing it with neural signals greatly reduces analysis time. Previously, alignment of video and neural signals, which were recorded and reviewed in separate programs with independent time bases, required that times of interest for every comparison had to be located separately in each program.
neurotic solves the data stream alignment problem for old and new datasets. Moving through the video and finding the corresponding signal is done automatically in a unified interface, allowing for continuous playback and skipping to different parts of the experiment, making review easier, faster, and less prone to error.
To illustrate the program’s utility, we show alignment of behavior video with neural signals and force records (Fig. 4). Using neurotic, initial analysis of effects of mechanical load on feeding in Aplysia was simplified. Swallow durations were greater in the presence of load, and motor pattern changes could be quickly surveyed during multiple responses. For example, one swallowing response under conditions of low load (Fig. 4A) or high load (Fig. 4B) could be easily compared; only one neural channel (BN2) is plotted for clarity, as is force of swallowing when the seaweed strip was attached to the force transducer (Fig. 4B). Using the synchronized video, the periods during which the animal pulled food into its mouth could be identified, and these periods could be labeled using the epoch encoder (gray bars). Using amplitude window discriminators, action potentials generated by identified motor neurons could be located and represented as spike trains (raster plots). Using user-specified firing rate thresholds, neurotic detected bursts in the spike trains (Figs. 4C,D), allowing the durations of bursts to be compared when load was low or high. In the example, the duration of intense B6/B9 motor neuronal activity is longer during swallowing on a high-load stimulus, and the B3 motor neuron is recruited.
neurotic has broad applications because it uses the Neo Python library for reading a wide variety of file formats. For example, Figure 5 shows human EMG and kinematic data, stored as a binary MATLAB MAT-file, as a person maintains her balance while walking across a narrow beam. Left arm muscle activation timing corresponds to the moments that the participant could be seen correcting for a momentary balance loss. Similarly, a decrease in right shoulder elevation is seen simultaneously in both the video and a digitized record of a body marker tracking shoulder position in 3-D space.
Using neurotic, behavioral and neural responses to stimuli can be identified and annotated rapidly and subjected to initial signal processing. Changes in neural activity during swallowing on unloaded and loaded food stimuli in Aplysia could be readily observed (Fig. 4), and relationships between human movement and EMG were deducible (Fig. 5). In addition, dynamical model data could be readily incorporated and compared with empirical physiological data.
Open source projects like this thrive on contributions from volunteer developers. Because neurotic uses the Neo package for reading electrophysiology files, members of the NeuralEnsemble community (http://neuralensemble.org) can readily contribute to its further development. In general, open source projects depend on an enthusiastic community of developers, and if neurotic attracts such a community, it will continue to develop. The source code is stored on GitHub, which provides valuable collaboration tools such as issue tracking, pull request management, conversations, and task delegation. The open source model allows anyone to suggest improvements, submit bug fixes, or contribute new features; the community of maintainers seeks consensus on whether to accept contributions or request alterations; finally, changes are accepted only after passing a review process and automated testing. The complete history of the code can be found on GitHub, and prior releases of the software will remain available on distribution platforms like PyPI and Anaconda Cloud, so older versions of the software should always remain accessible.
There are trade-offs scientists should consider when choosing to use either free, open source software for their research or proprietary, closed source software. Commercial solutions that provide video synchronization capabilities similar to neurotic are few, and those proprietary alternatives may require expensive investments in software licenses and specific hardware. Maintaining proprietary systems depends on the continued financial viability of the company that makes them; old versions may stop working, and new hardware may be needed to upgrade software. For open source programs, maintainability again depends on the community. In some important ways, open source is superior for reproducibility and transparency, because the code is available for inspection, users suggest and often implement improvements to the code, and bugs are usually found and fixed quickly. Although proprietary systems often provide expensive “plug-ins” that can be added to the original software, open source projects excel at extensibility, because users can readily add functionality, or even specialize the program further for their own applications. The major investment for an open source project is the time that needs to be devoted to the project, whereas the major investment associated with proprietary software and hardware solutions is the money that needs to be invested into the hardware and software.
There are exciting possibilities for future development of neurotic. More signal processing options could be provided, such as customizable or even arbitrary multistage analysis procedures. Sound could be added to video playback. More advanced spike sorting techniques could be integrated [e.g., using results from tridesclous (tridesclous.readthedocs.io) or NeuroChaT (Islam et al., 2019)]. The pyqtgraph GUI library has many capabilities that could expand neurotic’s interactive and annotation features. Performance could be improved by incorporating GPU acceleration using the VisPy library (http://www.vispy.org). Finally, thanks to the Neo community, the list of compatible file formats is continuously growing.
Acknowledgements: We thank collaborators who have provided feedback on early versions of the application. Beam walking data was collected in the Neuromechanics lab at Georgia Tech and Emory University by Luke Drnach, Sistania Bong, Mengnan Wu, and Lena Ting.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Integrative and Organismal Systems Israel Science Foundation (NSF-IOS-BSF) Grant 1754869 and U.S.–Israel Binational Science Foundation Grant 2017624.
- Received March 6, 2020.
- Revision received April 15, 2020.
- Accepted April 16, 2020.
- Copyright © 2020 Gill et al.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium provided that the original work is properly attributed.