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Underlying principles of visual shape selectivity in posterior inferotemporal cortex


Object perception depends on shape processing in the ventral visual pathway, which in monkeys culminates in inferotemporal cortex (IT). Here we provide a description of fundamental quantitative principles governing neural selectivity for complex shape in IT. By measuring responses to large, parametric sets of two-dimensional (2D) silhouette shapes, we found that neurons in posterior IT (Brodmann's areas TEO and posterior TE) integrate information about multiple contour elements (straight and curved edge fragments of the type represented in lower-level areas) using both linear and nonlinear mechanisms. This results in complex, distributed response patterns that cannot be characterized solely in terms of example stimuli. We explained these response patterns with tuning functions in multidimensional shape space and accurately predicted neural responses to the widely varying shapes in our stimulus set. Integration of contour element information in earlier stages of IT represents an important step in the transformation from low-level shape signals to complex object representation.

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Figure 1: Quantitative analysis of shape selectivity for a typical IT neuron.
Figure 2: Quantitative analysis of shape selectivity for a highly selective IT neuron (conventions as in Fig. 1).
Figure 3: Population summary of IT shape selectivity.
Figure 4: Consistency of shape selectivity across position and size changes.

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We thank W. Nash, W. Quinlan, B. Sorensen and L. Ziehm for technical assistance, and A. Bastian, D. Hinkle, K. Johnson and R. von der Heydt for helpful comments. Our implementation of Hartigan's dip test is based on public domain code provided by F. Mechler and D. Ringach. This work was supported by the National Eye Institute and by the Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences.

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Correspondence to Charles E Connor.

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Supplementary information

Supplementary Fig. 1

Further empirical and analytical results for the two example neurons described in the main text. a, Modified version of main stimulus set in which one end of each stimulus was centered in the RF. Responses of the Fig. 1 example neuron are shown here (all conventions as in Fig. 1). b, Full fitted model, including tuning for absolute position, for the Fig. 1 neuron. c, Responses of the Fig. 2 example neuron to the modified main stimulus set. d, Full fitted model for the Fig. 2 neuron. (PDF 2439 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 2

Position and size consistency of shape selectivity for Fig. 1 example neuron. a, Responses of the Fig. 1 example neuron to preferred and non-preferred shapes across a range of retinotopic positions. Gray level indicates actual responses; overlaid red contours show response predictions based on this neuron's optimal model. The icon above each gray level plot shows the shape used to generate it. Crosses represent center of gaze. b, Responses of the Fig. 1 neuron to preferred and non-preferred shapes across a range of sizes. The icons above the plot show stimulus sizes, relative to estimated RF (dashed circle), at three selected points within the tested range. The gray level of each plot line indicates the shape used to generate it (corresponding to the gray levels of the icons above the plot). Dotted lines show ± s.e.m. (PDF 79 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 3

Relative contributions of model tuning dimensions. a-d, Tuning width and tuning depth index values for orientation (a), curvature (b), relative position (c), and absolute position (d) dimensions for all sampled IT neurons. e, Mean tuning depth index value across all IT neurons for each dimension; lines denote upper and lower 99% confidence intervals (bootstrapped). f, Mean (± 99% confidence intervals) tuning width index value across all IT neurons for each dimension. (PDF 78 kb)

Supplementary Note (PDF 105 kb)

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Brincat, S., Connor, C. Underlying principles of visual shape selectivity in posterior inferotemporal cortex. Nat Neurosci 7, 880–886 (2004).

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