Licking Behavior in the Rat: Measurement and Situational Control of Licking Frequency rights and content


WEIJNEN, JAWM. Licking behavior in the rat: Measurement and situational control of licking frequency. NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV REV 22(6) 751–760, 1998—Lick sensors are versatile instruments that are routinely used in behavioral and neuroscience research involving fluid ingestion in the rat. There are three different types of sensors: electrical, optical and force sensors. They differ in the exact moment of activation during the tongue protrusion/retraction cycle. Precautions in the use of each type of sensor are discussed. Adequate lick detection requires restriction of access to the water source to the tongue of the animal. It appears that drinking configurations that fulfill this task may affect the modal licking frequency. Increasing the amount of tongue travel that is needed to reach the drinking tube or water surface, decreases the licking frequency. The licking frequency can be manipulated between about 7.5 and 4 Hz. Therefore, if `invariant' licking/lapping frequencies are observed, this is not so much the manifestation of a rigid output of a central pattern generator, but more the consequence of similarity in the effects of the employed drinking configurations. Applications of lick sensors in behavioral and neuroscience research are briefly discussed.


Stellar and Hill [44]wanted to study drinking behavior in detail, and not limit themselves to recording the total water intake. To this end they constructed an `electronic drinkometer' that could record every lick the animal makes while drinking from an inverted water bottle [20]. This instrument is also known as a `lickometer'. However, the present author favors the term lick sensor over drinkometer and lickometer. The affix `-meter' refers to a possible application; lick sensor is a purely descriptive term.

Lick sensors do not give an accurate account of the volume of the liquid that is ingested. The volume/lick can vary within and between experiments; values of 4–8 μl/lick are common, the maximum volume per lick that a rat can handle is about 10 μl [58]. Variables affecting the lick volume can be: the drinking configuration, diameter of the orifice of the watering tube, liquid characteristics like surface tension and viscosity, amount of air in the inverted water bottle, etc. Within a test session most of these variables are kept constant. An accurate record of fluid ingestion can be obtained if the sensor is used to operate a pump that supplies the liquid at a constant rate during periods of uninterrupted licking [58]. Ingested volume versus time curves can then be computed from the lick data.

In most experimental situations animals lick a drinking tube. Occasionally, drinking from an open pool of water is investigated. This is called `lapping'. Licking and lapping have much in common, but the tongue-movement patterns are not identical. These patterns are further influenced by restrictions imposed on the access to the drinking tube or water surface [16].

The stability of the licking frequency has struck investigators from the beginning. Stellar and Hill reported that independent of the level of water deprivation the rats licked at a constant rate (6–7 licks/s), or not at all. The title of a paper by Corbitt and Luschei [4]: `Invariance of the rat's rate of drinking' further promoted this concept. This notion still persists in the present literature [21]. However, a stable licking frequency is not the reflection of a rigid output of a central rhythm generator that is either active or not. It is the result of holding all aspects of the licking situation constant 16, 32. The principal factor being a fixed position of the rat relative to the watering tube or water surface. Corbitt and Luschei already noted that increasing the distance between the rat and the drinking tube reduced their licking rates. Others have confirmed these results (e.g. Refs 11, 27, 51). It will be shown later that the licking/lapping frequency can easily be modulated in the range of 4–7.5 Hz, by changing the drinking configuration. If this configuration is kept constant, then the licking frequency can only be influenced to a minor degree by factors such as deprivation level, type of solution, phase of the session, etc. 2, 3, 16, 29.

Major effects on licking frequency can be obtained by drug administration, as Knowler and Ukena have already shown [27]. A slowing down of the licking frequency can, amongst other things, be due to a drug-induced reduction of the force of tongue protrusion [13]. It is difficult to exclude the possibility that the results of drug administration are influenced by drug-induced changes in the position of the rat, especially if substances are used that are sedating or causing muscle relaxation.

Good knowledge of the properties of lick sensors is important for setting up proper experiments. Much attention is given in this review to this subject and to the contribution of the configuration of the drinking environment to the frequency of tongue movements in the drinking rat.

Section snippets

Lick sensors

The principle of operation of lick sensors that are presently in use is either completing an electrical circuit, breaking a light beam, or activating a force sensor.

  • 1.

    Electrical lick sensors have been used from the beginning [20]. Both the spout of the water bottle and (usually) the floor of the test compartment are connected to an electrical circuit. Whenever the animal completes the circuit, the sensor is operated.

  • 2.

    Optical lick sensors do not require any electrical current to sense licking. They

Sensor input–output relationship

Access to the drinking tube or water surface should be restricted to the tongue. Operation of the lick sensor by paws, nose, jaw, lips or teeth should be made impossible. Each lick needs to be detected separately, so maintained contacts of the tongue with the drinking tube or water surface during two or more licks cannot be allowed. Various ways of controlling access to the tube or water surface are used, like circular and oval holes, vertical slots, or an anatomically shaped hole in the wall

Electrical lick sensors

The relationship between the movement of the tongue and the output of an electrical lick sensor is illustrated in Fig. 1. It will become clear that this output is not sharply related to either tongue protrusion or retraction. The term `lick' should be reserved for one complete cycle of tongue protrusion and subsequent retraction and not be used as synonymous with the output signal of the lick sensor. In Fig. 1 the output of the sensor is shown to accurately follow the contact of the tongue with

Optical lick sensors

Optical sensors (and force sensors) are less widely employed than electrical sensors. Their use can be part of a laboratory tradition 17, 30. Fewer details on their characteristics have been published. The exact moment of optical sensor operation depends on the position of the light beam relative to the rat and the tube. Usually the tongue interrupts the light beam shortly before the drinking tube is reached; therefore—compared to electrical lick sensors—the operation of these sensors will

Force lick sensors

Electrical and optical lick sensors do not provide information on the forces rats use in licking the drinking tube or a drop of water presented on a lick surface. Force lick sensors are valuable instruments in the investigation of lick force and its experimental modulation. A pressure transducer is used to measure the force exerted by the tongue on the water source. The force threshold setting of the transducer determines when a lick is detected after tongue contact 13, 50. So, lick detection

Lick-sensor use may affect behavior

The use of a lick sensor should, of course, not affect the behavior that is being detected. It is not likely that the light beam of an optical sensor disturbs licking behavior, certainly not if infra-red light is used. Force-sensor use could influence the vigor of the stroke of the tongue in an operant conditioning situation, depending on the threshold value setting that is employed. However, the current passing through the animal when electrical lick sensors are used, constitutes the greatest

Electrical stimulation

The relatively high input current of a commercially available lick sensor led to the discovery of electrical self-stimulation of the tongue in the absence of concomitant water intake: `current licking' 40, 52. The reinforcing properties of direct current values, optimal in the range of 10–100 μA, have been clearly demonstrated in several rodents: rats, mice and gerbils. The effect can be obtained under various dipsogenic conditions. Previous experience with the pairing of licking water and

Drinking configuration

Licking frequency is often considered to be an independent variable. However, the actual licking frequency that is obtained during an experiment is strongly dependent on a situational factor: the amount of tongue travel required to reach the watering tube or water surface. This is largely dictated by the test situation that usually incorporates access restriction, to ensure that only tongue contacts will be detected. Fig. 3 illustrates this point.

The data for this illustration were taken from

Control of the licking rhythm

The generation of the spatiotemporal pattern of muscle activity of stereotyped movements, like licking and mastication, is generally attributed to central pattern generators (CPG) that sequentially activate motoneurons. The rhythmic activity of the underlying neuronal network may depend on one or more pacemaker neurons in the circuit, or be a property of the whole CPG itself. It is also possible that the periodic nature of these movements is controlled by a separate central rhythm generator

Computer analysis of lick sensor output

Many investigators have developed their own computer programs to analyze raw data provided by lick sensors. Some of these programs have become available on a wider scale. The Quick Lick program uses output of the sensor that is interfaced to a MS-DOS PC [7]. ILI's are calculated to the nearest ms, and stored in an array. The program is supplied with DiLog sensors. An impression of the results that can be obtained with this program can be found in the literature [11]. Another program,

Application of lick sensors

Lick sensors are used for many purposes. In numerous experiments they are used for counting the number of licks that are emitted, for detecting responses in operant conditioning and producing scheduled consequences. They are valuable tools in the investigation of micro- and macrobehavioral aspects of licking 8, 11, 13. An important application of the microstructural analysis of licking/lapping behavior is research on palatability and satiety (e.g. Refs 9, 10, 11, 42).

Microstructural analysis is


Good knowledge of the characteristics of lick sensors is essential for setting up the experimental equipment. The drinking environment also needs attention. If rats lick or lap a water source with minimal access restriction, then they will do this on average with modal ILI values in the range of 135–145 ms (a frequency of ≈7 Hz) during sustained fluid ingestion. However, access restriction is needed to ensure accurate recording of every single lick. Unfortunately, this measure usually requires

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