Table 1.

Statistics table

FiguresData structureType of testStatistical information
Figure 1ANormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(6,14) = 52.697, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs 0.01 μMDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.8649 to –0.17292
Vehicle vs 0.1 μMDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –3.6802 to –1.9882
Vehicle vs 1 μMDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –3.9667 to –2.2748
Vehicle vs 10 μMDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –3.5352 to –1.8432
Vehicle vs FACDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –4.198 to –2.5061
Vehicle vs DFODunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.77749 to 0.91446
Figure 1BNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(3,8) = 6.2933, p = 0.0168
Vehicle vs morphineDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.9825 to –0.01226
Vehicle vs PTXDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.0416 to 0.92856
Vehicle vs PTX + MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.53893 to 1.4313
Figure 1CNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(7,16) = 94.711, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs 30 m MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.49618 to 1.6318
Vehicle vs 6 h MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.2963 to 0.8317
Vehicle vs 24 h MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.6376 to 0.49035
Vehicle vs 24 h FACDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –6.7161 to –4.5881
Vehicle vs 1 h TNFDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –2.109 to 0.019
Vehicle vs 3 h TNFDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –6.4336 to –4.3057
Vehicle vs 24 h TNFDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.98676 to 1.1412
Figure 1DNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(3,42) = 0.38357, p = 0.7654
Vehicle vs 30 m MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.23702 to 0.11747
Vehicle vs 6 h MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.24894 to 0.10556
Vehicle vs 24 h MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.21279 to 0.14933
Figure 2B, cytoplasmicNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(3,8) = 24.28, p = 0.0002
Vehicle vs 3 h MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.002 to 0.4371
Vehicle vs 6 h MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.629 to –0.1897
Vehicle vs 24 h MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –2.684 to –1.245
Figure 2B, nuclearNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(3,8) = 1.644, p = 0.2549
Vehicle vs 3 h MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.6596 to 0.767
Vehicle vs 6 h MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.7541 to 0.6725
Vehicle vs 24 h MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.151 to 0.2751
Figure 3A, spine densityNormal distributionTwo-tailed, unpaired t testt(16) = 9.372, CI: –2.825 to –1.783
Figure 3A, spine morphologyNormal distributionTwo-way ANOVAInteraction F(3,64) = 13.9, p < 0.0001Treatment F(3,64) = 151.9, p < 0.0001Morphology F(1,64) = 81.83, p < 0.0001
Vehicle, morphine
ThinSidak's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.7779 to 1.428
StubbySidak's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.007506 to 0.6573
MushroomSidak's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.4853 to 1.135
FilopodiaSidak's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.2768 to 0.373
Figure 3B, spine densityNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(4,40) = 50.32, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs 0.01 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.0951 to 1.616
Vehicle vs 0.1 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 1.048 to 2.569
Vehicle vs 1 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 2.003 to 3.524
Vehicle vs 10 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 2.487 to 4.008
0.01 vs 0.1 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.1923 to 1.713
0.1 vs 1 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.1951 to 1.716
1 vs 10 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.2771 to 1.244
Figure 3B, spine morphologyNormal distributionTwo-way ANOVAInteraction F(12,160) = 21.58, p < 0.0001Morphology F(3,160) = 956.9, p < 0.0001Treatment F(4,160) = 42.9, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs 0.01 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.4073 to 0.3795
Vehicle vs 0.1 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.1906 to 0.5962
Vehicle vs 1 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3156 to 0.4712
Vehicle vs 10 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.2767 to 0.5101
Vehicle vs 0.01 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.1934 to 0.5934
Vehicle vs 0.1 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.006604 to 0.7934
Vehicle vs 1 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.08438 to 0.8712
Vehicle vs 10 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.1983 to 0.9851
Vehicle vs 0.01 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3934 to 0.3934
Vehicle vs 0.1 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.4378 to 0.349
Vehicle vs 1 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3434 to 0.4434
Vehicle vs 10 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3295 to 0.4573
Vehicle vs 0.01 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.4372 to 1.224
Vehicle vs 0.1 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.803 to 1.59
Vehicle vs 1 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 1.77 to 2.557
Vehicle vs 10 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 2.114 to 2.9
0.01 vs 0.1 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.02756 to 0.7592
0.1 vs 1 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.5741 to 1.361
1 vs 10 μMTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.05034 to 0.7365
Figure 3C, spine densityNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(5,42) = 15.29, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs morphineTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 1.608 to 3.41
Vehicle vs PTXTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.0146 to 1.817
Vehicle vs PTX + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3166 to 1.485
Vehicle vs CTAPTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.2709 to 2.073
Vehicle vs CTAP + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.09273 to 1.895
PTX vs PTX + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.232 to 0.5698
CTAP vs CTAP + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.079 to 0.7229
Figure 3C, spine morphologyNormal distributionTwo-way ANOVAInteraction F(15,168) = 9.193, p < 0.0001Morphology F(3,168) = 1448, p < 0.0001Treatment F(5,168) = 17.39, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs morphineTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3425 to 0.4612
Vehicle vs PTXTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3894 to 0.4144
Vehicle vs PTX + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.4519 to 0.3519
Vehicle vs CTAPTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3675 to 0.4362
Vehicle vs CTAP + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3487 to 0.455
Vehicle vs morphineTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.1544 to 0.9581
Vehicle vs PTXTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.2019 to 0.6019
Vehicle vs PTX + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.2956 to 0.5081
Vehicle vs CTAPTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.08937 to 0.7144
Vehicle vs CTAP + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.1081 to 0.6956
PTX vs PTX + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.4956 to 0.3081
CTAP vs CTAP + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.4206 to 0.3831
Vehicle vs morphineTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.4644 to 0.3394
Vehicle vs PTXTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.5612 to 0.2425
Vehicle vs PTX + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.4206 to 0.3831
Vehicle vs CTAPTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.4144 to 0.3894
Vehicle vs CTAP + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.38 to 0.4237
Vehicle vs morphineTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 1.404 to 2.208
Vehicle vs PTXTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.1481 to 0.9519
Vehicle vs PTX + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.03 to 0.7737
Vehicle vs CTAPTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.4544 to 1.258
Vehicle vs CTAP + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.03625 to 0.7675
PTX vs PTX + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.58 to 0.2237
CTAP vs CTAP + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.8925 to –0.08875
Figure 4ANormal distributionTwo-tailed, unpaired t testt(6) = 2.717, CI: 0.6332 to 12.11
Figure 4B, spine densityNormal distributionTwo-tailed, unpaired t testt(10) = 8.482, CI: –7.026 to –4.103
Figure 4B, spine morphologyNormal distributionTwo-way ANOVAInteraction F(3,40) = 7.579, p = 0.0004Morphology F(3,40) = 114, p < 0.0001Treatment F(1,40) = 44.5, p < 0.0001
Vehicle, morphine
ThinSidak's multiple comparisons testCI: 1.922 to 4.195
StubbySidak's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.2348 to 2.038
MushroomSidak's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.4543 to 2.727
FilopodiaSidak's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.8738 to 1.399
Figure 5ANormal distributionTwo-way ANOVAInteraction F(4,20) = 0.1919, p = 0.9398Treatment F(4,20) = 12.94, p < 0.0001Expression F(1,20) = 0.002895, p = 0.9576
Vehicle:FHC vs 30 m FAC:FHCTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.704 to 1.063
Vehicle:FHC vs 6 h FAC:FHCTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.8 to 0.9668
Vehicle:FHC vs 24 h FAC:FHCTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –2.94 to –0.1729
Vehicle:FHC vs DFO:FHCTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.299 to 1.468
Vehicle:FLC vs 30 m FAC:FLCTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.433 to 1.334
Vehicle:FLC vs 6 h FAC:FLCTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.762 to 1.005
Vehicle:FLC vs 24 h FAC:FLCTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –3.136 to –0.3684
Vehicle:FLC vs DFO:FLCTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.365 to 1.402
24 h FAC:FHC vs 24 h FAC:FLCTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.579 to 1.188
Figure 5BNormal distributionTwo-way ANOVAInteraction F(3,24) = 1.244, p = 0.3157Treatment F(3,24) = 22.94, p < 0.0001Expression F(1,24) = 9.252, p = 0.0056
Vehicle:FHC vs 30 m Mor:FHCSidak's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.581 to 0.5878
Vehicle:FHC vs 6 h Mor:FHCSidak's multiple comparisons testCI: –2.202 to –0.03317
Vehicle:FHC vs 24 h Mor:FHCSidak's multiple comparisons testCI: –3.17 to –1.001
Vehicle:FLC vs 30 m Mor:FLCSidak's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.118 to 1.051
Vehicle:FLC vs 6 h Mor:FLCSidak's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.596 to 0.5731
Vehicle:FLC vs 24 h Mor:FLCSidak's multiple comparisons testCI: –2.356 to –0.1869
30 m Mor:FHC vs 30 m Mor:FLCSidak's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.6212 to 1.548
6 h Mor:FHC vs 6 h Mor:FLCSidak's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.4783 to 1.691
24 h Mor:FHC vs 24 h Mor:FLCSidak's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.2706 to 1.899
Figure 5CNormal distributionTwo-way ANOVAInteraction F(1,12) = 3.823, p = 0.0742Treatment F(1,12) = 43.94, p < 0.0001Expression F(1,12) = 3.814, p = 0.0745
Vehicle:FHC vs morphine:FHCTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.358 to –0.4659
Vehicle:FLC vs morphine:FHCTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.358 to –0.4657
Morphine:FHC vs morphine:FLCTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.03085 to 0.8613
Figure 6BNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(4,8) = 112, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs 0.1 μMDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.472 to 2.722
Vehicle vs 1 μMDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: 1.293 to 5.487
Vehicle vs 10 μMDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: 8.804 to 13.49
Vehicle vs 100 μMDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: 10.07 to 14.76
Figure 6DNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(4,13) = 47.98, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs 0.1 μMDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –26.25 to 4.68
Vehicle vs 1 μMDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –34.28 to –6.624
Vehicle vs 10 μMDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –60.4 to –35.66
Vehicle vs 100 μMDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –61.63 to –36.89
Figure 6E, topNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(3,8) = 180.2, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs 0.1 μMDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.2068 to 0.0702
Vehicle vs 1 μMDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.6368 to –0.3598
Vehicle vs 10 μMDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.127 to –0.8498
Figure 6E, bottomNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(3,8) = 127.2, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs morphineDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.17 to –0.8066
Vehicle vs naloxoneDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.11 to 0.2534
Vehicle vs Nal + MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.21 to 0.1534
Figure 6G, ELNormal distributionTwo-tailed, unpaired t testt(4) = 7.036, CI: –27.35 to –11.87
Figure 6G, cytosolNormal distributionTwo-tailed, unpaired t testt(4) = 16.86, CI: 11.13 to 15.52
Figure 6H, ELNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(3,8) = 541.2, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs morphineTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 30.67 to 36.88
Vehicle vs naloxoneTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –2.663 to 3.55
Vehicle vs Nal + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 4.1 to 10.31
Morphine vs Nal + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –29.68 to –23.46
Figure 6H, cytosolNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(3,8) = 26.27, p = 0.0002
Vehicle vs morphineTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –14.9 to –5.351
Vehicle vs DFOTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –4.623 to 4.929
Vehicle vs DFO + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –3.169 to 6.383
Morphine vs DFO + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 6.957 to 16.51
Figure 6INormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(3,8) = 45.05, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs morphineTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.249 to –0.131
Vehicle vs naloxoneTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.06895 to 0.04895
Vehicle vs Nal + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.119 to –0.001048
Morphine vs Nal + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.07105 to 0.189
Figure 7ANormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(7,16) = 87.91, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs 30 m MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –678.2 to –19.94
Vehicle vs 3 h MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –1010 to –351.8
Vehicle vs 6 h MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –1033 to –374.9
Vehicle vs 24 h MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –741.5 to –83.21
Vehicle vs PhenDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –27.91 to 630.4
Vehicle vs Phen + 24 h MorDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –208.3 to 449.9
Vehicle vs FACDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –2417 to –1759
Figure 7BNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(5,14) = 13.72, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs morphineDunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.954 to –0.06
Vehicle vs DFODunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.06606 to 0.8279
Vehicle vs Mor + DFODunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.009428 to 0.8182
Vehicle vs DTPADunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.1879 to 0.7061
Vehicle vs Mor + DTPADunnett's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.9824 to –0.08839
Figure 7C, spine densityNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAF(6,56) = 24.21, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs morphineTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 1.869 to 3.642
Vehicle vs FACTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 1.494 to 3.267
Vehicle vs DFOTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.1525 to 1.925
Vehicle vs DFO + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.1108 to 1.884
Vehicle vs DTPATukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3058 to 1.467
Vehicle vs DTPA + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 1.13 to 2.903
Morphine vs FACTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –1.261 to 0.5114
DFO vs DFO + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.928 to 0.8447
DTPA vs DTPA + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.5497 to 2.322
Figure 7C, spine morphologyNormal distributionTwo-way ANOVAInteraction F(18,224) = 17.58Morphology F(3,224) = 1991, p < 0.0001Treatment F(6,224) = 31.61, p < 0.0001
Vehicle vs morphineTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.254 to 0.504
Vehicle vs FACTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.2623 to 0.4956
Vehicle vs DFOTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.2984 to 0.4595
Vehicle vs DFO + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3355 to 0.4225
Vehicle vs DTPATukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.2568 to 0.5012
Vehicle vs DTPA + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.2512 to 0.5068
Vehicle vs morphineTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.1044 to 0.8623
Vehicle vs FACTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.07103 to 0.829
Vehicle vs DFOTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.1206 to 0.6373
Vehicle vs DFO + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.05953 to 0.6984
Vehicle vs DTPATukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.2068 to 0.5512
Vehicle vs DTPA + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.03769 to 0.7956
Morphine vs FACTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.4123 to 0.3456
DFO vs DFO + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3179 to 0.4401
DTPA vs DTPA + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.1345 to 0.6234
Vehicle vs morphineTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3845 to 0.3734
Vehicle vs FACTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3706 to 0.3873
Vehicle vs DFOTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.4429 to 0.3151
Vehicle vs DFO + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3956 to 0.3623
Vehicle vs DTPATukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3956 to 0.3623
Vehicle vs DTPA + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.3929 to 0.3651
Vehicle vs morphineTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 1.788 to 2.546
Vehicle vs FACTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 1.457 to 2.215
Vehicle vs DFOTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.4081 to 1.166
Vehicle vs DFO + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.3432 to 1.101
Vehicle vs DTPATukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.07897 to 0.679
Vehicle vs DTPA + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 1.121 to 1.879
Morphine vs FACTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.7095 to 0.04842
DFO vs DFO + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: –0.4438 to 0.3142
DTPA vs DTPA + MorTukey's multiple comparisons testCI: 0.821 to 1.579