Table 1.

Statistical analyses

LocationComparisonData StructureType of TestObserved Power
aTask-relatedness in monkey R and SNormally distributedWilcoxon rank-sumR: 2.89 × 10−206 – 0.0481; S: 3.79 × 10−102 – 0.0498
bSingle-unit selectivity in monkey RNormally distributed2-factor ANOVALocation: 2.08 × 10−58 – 0.0486; Direction: 1.16 × 10−12 – 0.0496
Single-unit selectivity in monkey SNormally distributed2-factor ANOVALocation: 3.13 × 10−5 – 0.0496; Direction: 7.54 × 10−38 – 0.0445
c, fLocation selectivity vs. chance in monkey R (c) and S (f)Normally distributedχ2 testR: 8.29 × 10−10; S: 0.6972
d, gDirection selectivity vs. chance in monkey R (d) and S (g)Normally distributedχ2 testR: 0.0019; S: 4.13 × 10−10
e, hOverlapping selectivity vs. chance in monkey R (e) and S (h)Normally distributedχ2 testR: 0.0040; S: 0.1016
iLatency of significant difference in responses to preferred and nonpreferred location in monkey R and SNormally distributedStudent’s t testR: T = 12.36 ± 5.09; p = 2.46 × 10−45 – 0.0235; S: T = 4.15 ± 1.61; p = 2.98 × 10−8 – 0.0486
jLatency of difference in responses to directions in monkey R and SNormally distributedStudent’s t testR: T = 7.14 ± 2.98; p = 4.63 × 10−21 – 0.0461; S: T = 11.41 ± 3.57; p = 4.79 × 10−37 – 0.0253
k, oDecoding attended location using BSU approach vs. chance in monkey R (k) and S (o)Normally distributedExact testR: <0.01; S: >0.2400
l, pDecoding attended location using BE approach vs. chance in monkey R (l) and S (p)Normally distributedExact testR: <0.01; S: >0.08
m, nDecoding location from decorrelated BE (m) and BSU (n) ensembles in monkey RNormally distributedPaired t testBE: p = 0.0091 – 0.0489; BSU: p = 0.2074
q, rDecoding direction from decorrelated BE (q) and BSU (r) ensembles in monkey SNormally distributedPaired t testBE: p = 1.59 × 10−4 – 0.0495; BSU: p = 0.0373 – 0.0499
sComparing BE Nmax decoding performance in monkey S to chanceNormally distributedExact test0.8000
t, uDecoding motion direction using BSU approach vs. chance in monkey R (t) and S (u)Normally distributedExact testR: <0.01; S: <0.01
v, wDecoding motion direction using BE approach vs. chance in monkey R (v) and S (w)Normally distributedExact testR: <0.01; S: <0.01
x, yDecoding location from decorrelated BE ensembles in monkey R (x) and S (y)Normally distributedPaired t testR: p = 1.43x10−4 – 0.0469S: p = 6.19x10−5 – 0.0458
z, aaComparing location decoding between animals using BE (z) and BSU (aa)Normally distributedUnpaired t testBE: 5.69 × 10−7 – 2.99 × 10−4; BSU: 1.05 × 10−5 – 4.02 × 10−4
bb, ccComparing motion direction decoding between animals using BE (bb) and BSU (cc)Normally distributedUnpaired t testBE: 2.74 × 10−6 – 0.0080; BSU: 1.46 × 10−5 – 0.0191
dd, eeComparing max. location decoding performance between ensemble types in monkey R (dd) and S (ee)Normally distributedWilcoxon signed-rankR: 0.1250; S: 0.0625
ff, ggComparing max. direction decoding performance between ensemble types in monkey R (ff) and S (gg)Normally distributedWilcoxon rank-sumR: 0.1250; S: 0.0625
hhComparing maximum location decoding performance between ensemble types for each recording sessionNormally distributedWilcoxon signed-rank0.0039
iiComparing maximum direction decoding performance between ensemble types for each recording sessionNormally distributedWilcoxon signed-rank0.0039
jjComparing ensemble sizes with maximum decoding performance across stimulus featuresNormally distributedWilcoxon signed-rank0.0198
kkComparing ensemble sizes with 90% of maximum decoding performance across stimulus featuresNormally distributedWilcoxon signed-rank0.0293
ll, mmDecoding attended location across all trial outcomes vs. chance in monkey R (ll) and S (mm)Normally distributedExact testR: <0.01; S: 0.2840
nn, ooDecoding location across all hit trials vs. chance in monkey R (nn) and S (oo)Normally distributedExact testR: <0.01; S: 0.0160
pp, qqDecoding location across all error trials vs. chance in monkey R (pp) and S (qq)Normally distributedExact testR: 0.4300; S: 0.3760
rr, ssDecoding location across all false positive trials vs. chance in monkey R (rr) and S (ss)Normally distributedExact testR: 0.4600; S: 0.6600
tt, uuDecoding motion direction in across all outcomes vs. chance in monkey R (tt) and S (uu)Normally distributedExact testR: <0.01; S: <0.01
Decoding motion direction across all hit trials vs. chance in monkey R (vv) and S (ww)Normally distributedExact testR: <0.01; S: <0.01
xx, yyDecoding motion direction across all error trials vs. chance in monkey R (xx) and S (yy)Normally distributedExact testR: 0.5500; S: <0.01
zz, aaaDecoding motion direction in false positive trials vs. chance in monkey R (zz) and S (aaa)Normally distributedExact testR: 0.3850; S: <0.01
  • Superscript letters refer to the statistical tests in figures, Results, and Tables 2 and 3.