Statistical table
Analysis number | Figure | Description | Data structure | Type of test | Effect | p values | Power/CI |
a | 1 | P1 component | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Hemisphere | 0.117 | 0.343 |
b | 1 | P1 component | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Identity | 0.39 | 0.447 |
c | 1 | P1 component | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Identity X hemisphere | 0.551 | 0.311 |
d | 1 | N170 component | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Hemisphere | 0.146 | 0.299 |
e | 1 | N170 component | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Identity | 0.513 | 0.373 |
f | 1 | N170 component | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Identity X hemisphere | 0.307 | 0.532 |
g | 1 | N250 component | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Hemisphere | 0.171 | 0.269 |
h | 1 | N250 component | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Identity | 0.001 | 0.980 |
i | 1 | N250 component | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Identity X hemisphere | 0.07 | 0.560 |
j | 1 | N250 component | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Identity in LH | 0.009 | 0.926 |
k | 1 | N250 component | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Identity in RH | 0.004 | 0.943 |
l | 2A | Group-based discrimination | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Across expression | FDR-corrected p = 0.006 | |
m | 2B | Representative participant discrimination | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Across-expression | FDR-corrected p = 0.004 | |
n | 3A | Group-based discrimination | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Across expression/neutral | 0.001 | 95% CI: 47.1–51.3 |
o | 3A | Group-based discrimination | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Across expression/happy | 0.001 | 95% CI: 47.2–50.9 |
p | 3A | Group-based discrimination | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Within expression/neutral | 0.001 | 95% CI: 45.9–51.8 |
q | 3A | Group-based discrimination | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Within expression/happy | 0.001 | 95% CI: 45.9–52.1 |
r | 3B | Single-participant-based discrimination | Assumed normal | Two-tailed t test | Across expression/neutral | 0.001 | 95% CI: 53.1–57 |
s | 3B | Single-participant-based discrimination | Assumed normal | Two-tailed t test | Across expression/happy | 0.001 | 95% CI: 53.2–57.2 |
t | 3B | Single-participant-based discrimination | Assumed normal | Two-tailed t test | Within expression/neutral | 0.001 | 95% CI: 0.559–0.602 |
u | 3B | Single-participant-based discrimination | Assumed normal | Two-tailed t test | Within expression/`happy | 0.001 | 95% CI: 54.8–60.4 |
v | n/a | Single-participant-based discrimination | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Discrimination type | <0.001 | >0.999 |
w | n/a | Single-participant-based discrimination | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Expression | 0.466 | 0.107 |
x | n/a | Single-participant-based discrimination | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Discrimination type X expression | 0.211 | 0.230 |
y | n/a | Single-participant-based discrimination within and across databases | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Discrimination type | <0.001 | >0.999 |
z | n/a | Single-participant-based discrimination within and across databases | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Pairs type | <0.001 | >0.999 |
aa | n/a | Single-participant-based discrimination within and across databases | Assumed normal | Repeated measures ANOVA | Discrimination type X pairs type | 0.033 | 0.565 |
ab | n/a | Single-participant-based discrimination within and across databases | Assumed normal | Post hoc (matched two-tailed t test) | Across-within database for within-expression versus across-within database for across-expression | 0.412 | 95% CI: –0.1–1.5 |
ac | n/a | Single-participant-based discrimination within and across databases | Assumed normal | Two-tailed t test against 0.5 | Within-expression, within-database discrimination | <0.001 | 95% CI: 54.6– 57.9 |
ad | n/a | Single-participant-based discrimination within and across databases | Assumed normal | Two-tailed t test against 0.5 | Within-expression, across-database discrimination | <0.001 | 95% CI: 56.4–61 |
ae | n/a | Single-participant-based discrimination within and across databases | Assumed normal | Two-tailed t test against 0.5 | Across-expression, within-database discrimination | <0.001 | 95% CI: 52.8–55 |
af | n/a | Single-participant-based discrimination within and across databases | Assumed normal | Two-tailed t test against 0.5 | Across-expression, across-database discrimination | <0.001 | 95% CI: 54–57.7 |
ag | n/a | temporally cumulative analysis | Assumed normal | Pearson’s correlation | EEG-based discrimination/behavioral discrimination | <0.001 | 0.436 |
ah | 4 | Temporal correlation | Assumed normal | Pearson’s correlation | Across-expression discrimination/behavioral discrimination | FDR-corrected p = 0.002 | |
ai | n/a | Temporally cumulative analysis | Assumed normal | Pearson’s correlation | Across-expression discrimination/CFMT | 0.219 | 0.237 |
aj | n/a | Temporally cumulative analysis | Assumed normal | Pearson’s correlation | Across-expression discrimination/VVIQ-2 | 0.676 | 0.05 |
ak | 5B | Face space fit | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Happy-neutral similarity | <0.001 | 95% CI: 0.738–0.798 |
al | 6A | CIM | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Neutral dimension 1; luminance | FDR-corrected p = 0.027 | |
am | 6A | CIM | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Neutral dimension 1; red-green | FDR-corrected p = 0.018 | |
an | 6A | CIM | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Neutral dimension 1; yellow-blue | FDR-corrected p = 0.024 | |
ao | 6A | CIM | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Neutral dimension 2; luminance | FDR-corrected p = 0.012 | |
ap | 6A | CIM | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Neutral dimension 2; red-green | N/A | |
aq | 6A | CIM | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Neutral dimension 2; yellow-blue | FDR-corrected p = 0.009 | |
ar | 6B | CIM | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Happy dimension 1; luminance | FDR-corrected p = 0.040 | |
as | 6B | CIM | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Happy dimension 1; red-green | FDR-corrected p = 0.018 | |
at | 6B | CIM | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Happy dimension 1; yellow-blue | FDR-corrected p = 0.024 | |
au | 6B | CIM | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Happy dimension 2; luminance | N/A | |
av | 6B | CIM | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Happy dimension 2; red-green | FDR-corrected p = 0.021 | |
aw | 6B | CIM | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Happy dimension 2; yellow-blue | FDR-corrected p = 0.008 | |
ax | 7B | Temporal reconstruction accuracy | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Neutral | FDR-corrected p = 0.002 | |
ay | 7B | Temporal reconstruction accuracy | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Happy | FDR-corrected p = 0.006 | |
bz | 8B | Reconstruction accuracy (image-based) | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Neutral | 0.001 | 95% CI: 42.3–57.8 |
ba | 8B | Reconstruction accuracy (image-based) | Normality not assumed | Permutation test | Happy | 0.001 | 95% CI: 42.1–58.1 |
bb | 8C | Reconstruction accuracy (experimental-based) | Assumed normal | Two-tailed t test | Neutral | 0.001 | 95% CI: 55.6–62.6 |
bc | 8C | Reconstruction accuracy (experimental-based) | Assumed normal | Two-tailed t test | Happy | 0.001 | 95% CI: 52.4–59.2 |
bd | n/a | Correlation between experimental and image-based accuracies | Assumed normal | Pearson’s correlation | Neutral | 0.001 | 0.912 |
be | n/a | Correlation between experimental and image-based accuracies | Assumed normal | Pearson’s correlation | Happy | 0.002 | 0.898 |
bf | n/a | Correlation between reconstruction and discrimination | Assumed normal | Pearson’s correlation | Averaged across expressions | <0.001 | >0.999 |
bg | n/a | Single-participant-based reconstruction accuracy (image-based) | Assumed normal | Two-tailed t test | Neutral | 0.027 | 0.676 |
bh | n/a | Single-participant-based reconstruction accuracy (image-based) | Assumed normal | Two-tailed t test | Happy | 0.045 | 0.580 |
bi | n/a | Correlation between single-participant-based reconstruction and discrimination | Assumed normal | Pearson’s correlation | Neutral | <0.001 | 0.974 |
bj | n/a | Correlation between single-participant-based reconstruction and discrimination | Assumed normal | Pearson’s correlation | Happy | <0.001 | 0.980 |