Table 1.

List of distribution, statistical test, and power for each dataset analyzed in this study

LetterData structureType of testPower
a food consumptionNormal distributiont test0.052
b body weightNormal distributiont test0.050
c powerNormal distributiont test0.956
d onsetNormal distributiont test0.536
e cage activityNormal distributiont test0.843
f bout #Normal distributiont test0.605
g waveformNormal distributionTwo-way ANOVATime 1.000
Treatment 0.843
h bout durationNormal distributiont test0.729
i bout #Normal distributiont test0.413
j sleep waveformNormal distributionTwo-way ANOVATime 1.000
Treatment 0.179
K sleep durationNormal distributiont test0.050
l bout #Normal distributiont test0.328
m bout durationNormal distributiont test0.895
n wake time onsetNormal distributiont test0.944
o cycle to cycleNormal distributiont test0.440
p daytime activityNormal distributiont test0.884
q activity waveformNormal distributionTwo-way ANOVATime 1.000
Treatment 0.997
r average CBTNormal distributiont test0.529
s CBT waveformNormal distributionTwo-way ANOVATime 1.000
Treatment 0.729
t HR averageNormal distributiont test0.382
u HR amplitudeNormal distributiont test0.560
v HR waveformNormal distributionTwo-way ANOVATime 1.000
Treatment 0.895
w average HVRNormal distributiont test0.632
x HRV waveformNormal distributionTwo-way ANOVATime 1.000
Treatment 1.000
y rotarodNormal distributiont test0.911
z beam errorsNormal distributiont test0.989
aa error by beamNormal distributionTwo-way ANOVAbeam 1.000
Treatment 1.000
  • The first column lists the superscript lowercase letter referring to statistical test in the Results section. The second column is the structure of the data (normal distribution or non-normal). Each of the datasets was examined for normality (Shapiro–Wilk test) and equal variance (Brown–Forsythe test). The third column lists the statistical test. The fourth column gives the observed power value of the statistical test calculated from the actual data.