Table 1.

Demographic and clinical information and screening cognitive and affective measures for participants with PD and controls

GroupnAge (y)Education (y)Diagnosis duration (y)Levodopa dose (mg equivalent)UPDRS scoreANART scoreBDI-II scoreBAI scoreApathy scoreMOCA score
Day 1
PD1465.21 (2.33)15.79 (0.86)6.22 (1.32)637.77 (98.92)10.57 (1.17)9.21 (1.53)11.57 (1.33)
On762.86 (3.64)15.57 (1.39)6.86 (1.61)620.32 (106.93)8.78 (1.54)127.32 (2.31)8.71 (1.77)6.00 (1.18)8.86 (0.70)27.57 (0.61)
Off767.57 (2.9)16.00 (1.11)5.57 (1.91)655.21 (158.24)11.07 (1.32)12.43 (1.31)12.42 (2.30)14.28 (2.18)
Control1464.27 (2.45)16.13 (0.79)2.29 (0.67)2.36 (0.84)9.14(1.16)
On863.0 (3.03)15.89 (0.86)0.13 (0.13)2.50 (0.98)1.75 (0.70)9.38 (1.64)
Off666.17 (3.82)16.50 (1.67)0.00128.70 (1.30)2.00 (0.93)3.17 (2.00)8.83 (1.76)28.83 (0.48)
Day 2
PD1465.21 (2.33)15.79 (0.86)6.22 (1.32)637.77 (98.92)10.86 (1.49)7.64 (1.23)11.71 (1.69)
On767.57 (2.9)16.00 (1.11)5.57 (1.91)655.21 (158.24)10.35 (1.93)127.54 (1.55)13.43 (2.42)8.86 (2.13)16.14 (2.09)27.29 (0.36)
Off762.86 (3.64)15.57 (1.39)6.86 (1.61)620.32 (106.93)11.28 (1.59)8.29 (1.25)6.43 (1.21)7.28 (1.22)
Control1464.27 (2.45)16.13 (0.79)2.21 (0.51)2.14 (0.96)8.57 (1.01)
On666.17 (3.82)16.50 (1.67)0.002.50 (0.62)3.00 (2.05)9.33 (1.54)
Off863.0 (3.03)15.89 (0.86)0.13 (0.13)127.10 (1.66)2.00 (0.80)1.50 (0.78)8.00 (1.40)27.63 (0.50)
  • Values are presented as group means (SEM). Screening cognitive and affective measures were completed by participants with PD on medication and by healthy controls off medication. All control participants presented with normal neurologic examinations. Session 1 refers to the first day of testing. Session 2 refers to the second day of testing. UPDRS, Unified PD Rating Scale; ANART, National Adult Reading Test IQ Estimation; BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory II score; BAI, Beck Anxiety Inventory I score; Apathy, Apathy Evaluation Scale score; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment measured for participants with PD and for matched control participants..