Table 2.

Incidence of epileptiform events as observed with widefield calcium imaging

Institute/laboratoryCre genotypetTA genotypeGCaMP genotypeIncidence of events in any size imaging window (mice)Incidence of events in full-hemisphere imaging (mice)
High incidence
Carandini/Harris, UCLEmx1Camk2aAi9311/1111/11
Allen InstituteEmx1Camk2aAi939/185/7
Margolis, RutgersEmx1Camk2aAi933/33/3
Margolis, RutgersEmx1Rosa26Ai937/77/7
Häusser, UCLEmx1-KessCamk2aAi937/12
Low incidence
Allen InstituteSlc17a7Camk2aAi931/51/5
Allen InstituteCux2Camk2aAi931/7
Carandini/Harris, UCLEmx1Camk2aAi941/40/3
No events observed
Allen InstituteRbp4Camk2aAi930/11
Allen InstituteRorbCamk2aAi930/3
Allen InstituteScnn1aCamk2aAi930/7
Häusser, UCLEmx1-KessCamk2a*Ai930/11
Carandini/Harris, UCLSlc17a7Ai950/70/7
Allen InstituteEmx1Ai950/10/1
Allen InstituteEmx1Ai960/30/3
Carandini/Harris, UCLCamk2atetO-G6s0/90/9
Allen InstituteCamk2atetO-G6s0/6
Carandini/Harris, UCLSnap25-G6s0/40/4
Allen InstituteSnap25-G6s0/2
Margolis, RutgersGP4.30/20/2
  • Epileptiform events were judged to occur by manually inspecting raw imaging videos, traces, and prominence-versus-width plots for peaks of the traces, as shown in Fig. 3. See Methods for details of mouse lines and imaging preparations. All mice in this table had either intact Cre conditionality or unknown conditionality. Camk2a* indicates that these mice were treated with doxycycline until 7 weeks (see below). See Table 2-1 for further details on these observations.