Table 1:

Experimental protocol used in the study

GroupsStereotaxic surgeryExperimental procedure
Group I (n = 5)Microinjection of Ctrl-shRNA and TH-shRNA into the left and right LC, respectively, during surgeryPostsurgical recovery for 8 d8 d after injection, LC punched out for TH mRNA estimation by qRT-PCR
Group II (n = 4)8 d after injection LC punched out for TH protein estimation by Western blot
Group III (n = 5)8 d after injection 40 μm brain sections through LC were immunostained with TH and positive neurons counted
Group IV (n = 6)Microinjection of TH-shRNA bilaterally into LC during surgery and implantation of cannula bilaterally into PPT8 d after TH-shRNA injection into LC, on day 1 saline was injected bilaterally into PPT and sleep wakefulness recorded for 12 h.On day 2, NA was injected into PPT and sleep–wakefulness recorded in the same rat for 12 h.3 weeks after TH-shRNA injection, sleep wakefulness was recorded for 12 h
Group V (n = 5)Microinjection of Ctrl-shRNA bilaterally into LC during surgery8 d postsurgery injection sleep–wakefulness recording was done for 12 h
Group VI (n = 6)Implantation of cannula bilaterally into LCAfter postsurgical recovery, first day either Ctrl-siRNA or TH-siRNA was microinjected bilaterally into LC and sleep–wakefulness recorded next day for 12 h.After 7 d Ctrl-siRNA (which was not injected on the first day) was injected and recording continued.
Group VII (n = 10)FMCFMC home cage without any microinjectionWhole-brain homogenate was prepared and(1) Na-K ATPase activity was estimated(2) TH protein estimation by Western blot
Group VIII (n = 5)Implantation of cannula into LC bilaterallyREMSD for 96 h with microinjection of Ctrl-siRNA at 24 and 48 hWhole-brain homogenate was prepared, and Na-K ATPase activity was estimated
Group IX (n = 5)Implantation of cannula into LC bilaterallyREMSD for 96 h with microinjection of TH-siRNA at 24 and 48 hWhole-brain homogenate was prepared and Na-K ATPase activity was estimated
Group X (n = 5)Microinjection of Ctrl-shRNA during surgery into LC bilaterallyAfter recovery REMSD for 96 hWhole-brain homogenate was prepared and(1) Na-K ATPase activity was estimated(2) Western blot analysis of TH protein was performed
Group XI (n = 5)Microinjection of TH-shRNA during surgery bilaterally into LCAfter recovery REMSD for 96 hWhole-brain homogenate was prepared and(1) Na-K ATPase activity was estimated and(2) Western blot analysis of TH protein was performed
Total no. of Rats61