Table 8.

β2*-nAChR-associated proteins that show a significant effect of nicotine use on their “per-β2” abundance from human temporal cortex

AccessionDescriptionSignificant effectFp Value
GBB1_HUMANGuanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(T) subunit β1NicotineF(1,17) = 10.0850.007
RO52_HUMANE3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM21NicotineF(1,17) = 5.6760.031
STX1A_HUMANSyntaxin-1ANicotineF(1,17) = 5.3750.036
TPM4_HUMANTropomyosin α4-chainNicotineF(1,17) = 5.9110.029
VAOD1_HUMANV-type proton ATPase subunit d 1NicotineF(1,17) = 6.7000.021
  • These proteins have abundance indices that correlate significantly with levels of β2-nAChR, but the effect of nicotine is apparent only when protein content is normalized to total β2-nAChR levels, suggesting that their expression does not track linearly with increases in nAChR due to nicotine-induced upregulation and likely represent limiting interactions.