Table 3.

Various spike parameters of small (<26 µm) and large (≥26 µm) diameter DRG neurons obtained from CFA, EAE onset, and EAE chronic mice

<26 µm≥26 µm
Spike parameterCFAOnsetChronicCFAOnsetChronic
Peak amplitude (mV)116.4 ± 2.159112.5 ± 2.437116.2 ± 2.42104.9 ± 1.796102.2 ± 2.066108.9 ± 1.362#
Afterhyperpolarization Amplitude (mV)–14.38 ± 0.927–10.22 ± 1.223**–13.65 ± 0.525#–13.84 ± 0.598–12.18 ± 0.657–12.38 ± 0.483
Half width (ms)&3.959 ± 0.4215.165 ± 0.9154.213 ± 0.3481.18 ± 0.1041.474 ± 0.1411.233 ± 0.083
Rise slope (mV/ms)175.3 ± 22.5583.64 ± 6.219**143.1 ± 10.36##236.7 ± 14.12108.5 ± 4.298***218.8 ± 12.5###
Decay slope (mV/ms)–62.46 ± 6.376–45.32 ± 8.131–55.19 ± 5.451–134.4 ± 5.835–96.5 ± 5.518***–120.4 ± 4.876#
Rheobase (nA)&0.2625 ± 0.0170.3 ± 0.0230.3074 ± 0.0180.4697 ± 0.0280.349 ± 0.027**0.4138 ± 0.022
  • Mean ± SEM. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test performed within each group; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, in comparison to CFA; #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01, ###p < 0.001 in comparison to Onset. &Graphed in Figure 6.