Table 4.

The characteristics of the included studies

CharacteristicsNumber of included studies (n)aPercentage (%)
Publication year
 South Korea13.45
Study design
 Prospective study2146.67
 Case-control study1737.78
 Retrospective study36.67
 Cohort study24.44
 Cross-sectional study12.22
 Experimental study12.22
Study setup
 Single center2172.41
 Inpatient department2784.38
 Outpatient department39.38
Total sample size (n)
Target IS population
 Acute lacunar infraction13.45
 Cardio embolic stroke13.45
Age of participants (mean/median in years)
Prevalence of IS (%)
  • N/A, not applicable.

  • a One study may have ≥ 1 characteristic.