Table 1.

Summary information of the six preselected methods

Detailed description and usage informationYesYesYesYesYesYes
Parametrization and adaptivityInternal adaptivity is due to the nature of the algorithmThe ISI distribution reflects the data specificsThe ISIN distribution reflects the data specificsAutomatic adaptive firing rate threshold is present.A likely good fit to the data may be achieved with parameter tuningFour main parameters are available to adjust the detection
Code obtained from the authorYesYesYesYesNoNo
Code descriptionYesYesYesYesNoNo
Verdict for acquired dataSome tendency to break NBs into shorter componentsGood performance but NB borders appeared to be widened; NB merging due to tonic spiking in, e.g., one channelSufficient adaptivity for the test data; NB borders assigned relatively wellThe method detected some short NBs in addition to evident synchronous patternsNot availableNot available
  • Visualizations and a quantitative comparison of the NB detection results for approaches i–iv with available codes are shown in Extended Data Table 1-1.