Table 1.

Brief comparison of Bayesian and frequentist inference paradigms

Philosophy of probabilityQuantification of uncertaintyFrequency of events
Data inferenceP(hypothesis|data) “data driven”P(data|hypothesis)
Decision rulesHDI, credible interval, ROPE, distribution of observed data distributions, Bayes’ factorsP-value, confidence interval, Type I/II error control
Model parametersDistributions formed around uncertainty in observed dataFixed but unknown values inferred from estimators (maximum likelihood/least squares)
Data distributionsAny distributionParametric models require data to follow normal distributions. Nonparametric methods are limited
Requires explicit declaration of prior distributionYesNo
Computational complexityHigherLower
AdvantagesInference backed by evidence from observed data, a complete probabilistic description of experimental data, inference less dependent on sample size. Error control through prior and posterior predictive checksRobust error control (with proper experimental design), quick and easy to implement