Table 2.

Spearman rank–rank correlations between spike parameters and measures of rhythmicity during swimming and scratching

Sw Osc Amp rsSw Osc Amp pSc Osc Amp rsSc Osc Amp pSw MVL rsSw MVL pSc MVL rsSc MVL p
Membrane potential−0.210.15−0.270.057−0.150.36−0.150.31
Spike height0.320.0070.310.010.10.460.030.79
Spike width0.080.540.0060.970.140.330.0060.96
AHP amplitude0.080.500.
AHP duration−0.360.002−0.260.03−0.070.62−0.080.51
  • Sw, swimming; Sc, scratching; Osc, oscillation; Amp, amplitude; MVL, mean vector length; rs, correlation coefficient; p, probability; AHP, afterhyperpolarization. Note that the only statistically significant correlations were between spike height and oscillation amplitudes and between AHP duration and oscillation amplitudes.