Table 2.

Time points at which ACh neurons are cholinergic in the mouse brain in brain anatomical structures

Brain regionE12 (n = 3)E15a (n = 3)E18a (n = 5)P1 (n = 3)P3 (n = 3)P6 (n = 3)P9 (n = 3)P12 (n = 3)P50 (n = 3)>1 year (n = 3)
Spinal cord++++++ndndndndndndnd
Hindbrain CN++++++++++++++++++++
Midbrain CN++++++++++++++++++
Other hindbrain nuclei+++++++++++++++++
Other midbrain nuclei+++++++++++++++++
Basal Forebrain+++++++++++++++++
Cerebral Cortex+++++++
  • Estimation of cholinergic neuron distribution patterning: −, not cholinergic; +, cholinergic but different from adult; ++, adult-like.

  • a The results of the serial section brain reconstructions have been revised according to the tdTomato enhancement stains.

  • b High cell density in caudal and ventral areas but low density in rostral and dorsal areas of the CPu.

  • c All brains with low intensity tdTomato-positive population in some but not all brain slices.

  • d This structure does not contain ACh neuron soma, assessment reflects innervation.

  • See also Extended Data Figures 5-1 and 5-2.