Table 2.

Current position by gender and representation status

Current positionSocial identityTotal
UR women***WR women**UR menWR men***
Research-focused academic22 (35%)*157 (44%)*30 (49%)187 (63%)***396 (51%)
Teaching-focused academic9 (14%)*56 (16%)8 (13%)28 (9%)101 (13%)
Nonacademic research6 (10%)54 (15%)17 (28%)57 (19%)134 (17%)
Science-related, nonresearch25 (40%)***93 (26%)**6 (10%)26 (9%)***150 (19%)
Total62 (100%)360 (100%)61 (100%)298 (100%)781 (100%)
  • Proportion of “professionals in the field” respondents in each of the four “current positions” by gender and representation status. UR, underrepresented; WR, well represented. Significance level indicators (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001) in column headings show subset chi-square goodness-of-fit tests comparing the distribution of current positions for that social identity and the overall distribution of current positions. Significance level indicators in individual cells show Z-score tests for adjusted standardized residuals computed for that social identity group alone.