Table 4.

Logistic regression predicting research-focused versus teaching-focused academic positions

Independent variablesUnstd. coeff.Adj. sig.Odds ratioEffect sizeInverse odds ratio
T1 career interest in research academic1.23***3.41(M)
T1 career interest in teaching academic−1.06***0.35(M)2.86
T1 minus T2 interest change in research academia0.68*1.97(S)
T1 minus T2 interest change in teaching academia−1.25***0.29(M)3.45
Important aspects of careers: collaboration0.681.97(S)
Important aspects of careers: job security−0.750.47(S)
(Fac) Like academic teaching/mentoring−1.13***0.32(M)3.13
Career goal changed? No, still is research-based1.78***5.93(L)
Times supported by NIH, pre-Curr Pos−0.270.76-
Aspects of careers: intellectually stimulating−0.470.62(S)
Gender: aspects of careers—intellectually stimulating1.93*6.90(L)
  • Results of logistic regression predicting whether respondents were in research-focused academic positions or teaching-focused academic positions. Full equation statistics: n = 497; accuracy = 90%; Akaike information criterion (AIC) = 274.75; likelihood ratio test χ2 = 253.05; and p = 0.0000. (Fac), variable is a result of factor analysis; Unstd. coeff., unstandardized coefficient; Adj. sig., FDR-adjusted significance. Effect sizes are labeled when they reach at least “small” size. S, small effect size; M, medium effect size; L, large effect size.

  • * p < 0.05.

  • *** p < 0.001.