Table 3.

Logistic regression predicting career in academia versus nonacademia

Independent variablesUnstd. coeff.Adj. sig.Odds ratioEffect sizeInverse odds ratio
T1 career interest in research, academia0.802.22(S)
T1 career interest in nonacademic research0.301.35-
T1 career interest in science-related nonresearch−0.60**0.55(S)1.82
(Fac) PhD belongingness department/social−0.220.80-
T1 minus T2 interest change in research, academia−0.31*0.74-
T1 minus T2 interest change in teaching, academia0.391.47-
T1 minus T2 interest change in nonacademic research0.361.44-
T1 minus T2 interest change in science nonresearch−0.60**0.55(S)1.82
(Fac) Postdoc advisor relationship−0.150.86-
Postdoc support, faculty at primary institution0.281.32-
Postdoc career advice, advisor−0.53**0.59(S)1.69
Postdoc career advice, institution−0.42*0.66(S)1.52
Years it took to complete PhD?−0.130.88-
Years since completed PhD0.091.09-
First-author publication rate0.541.72(S)
Important aspects of careers: high autonomy0.87**2.38(S)
Important aspects of careers: work–life balance−0.460.63(S)
Important aspects of careers: job security0.92**2.51(M)
Important aspects of careers: monetary compensation−1.91***0.15(L)6.67
Important aspects of careers: varied, diverse work−1.06**0.35(M)2.86
(Fac) Like structural aspects of academia1.00***2.72(M)
(Fac) Like academic teaching/mentoring0.41*1.50(S)
Career goal changed? No, still is research-based1.153.17(M)
Career goal changed? Yes, changed from research−0.100.90-
(Fac) Postdoc belongingness department/social0.111.11-
PD support, faculty at primary institution0.75***2.12(S)
Gender BY (Fac) PD belongingness department/social−0.64*0.53(S)1.89
Gender BY PD support, faculty at primary institution−0.410.66(S)
  • Results of logistic regression predicting whether respondents were in academic or nonacademic positions. Full equation statistics: n = 781; accuracy = 89%; likelihood ratio test χ2 = 566.29; and p = 0.0000. (Fac), variable is a result of factor analysis; Unstd. coeff., unstandardized coefficient; Adj. sig., FDR-adjusted significance. Effect sizes are labeled when they reach at least “small” size. S, small effect size; M, medium effect size; L, large effect size.

  • * p < 0.05.

  • ** p < 0.01.

  • *** p < 0.001.