Table 1.

Mean self-reported valence and arousal ratings (with standard deviation in parentheses) of the two sets of 36 scene stimuli each that were employed in this study

Valence ratings
Descriptive valuesTwo-way ANOVA results
Set1Set2EffectF valuep value
EmotionMeanSDMeanSDMain effect: emotion41.391<0.001
Positive7. effect: set1.8620.202
Neutral5. effect: emotion*set0.0940.766
Arousal ratings
Descriptive valuesTwo-way ANOVA results
Set1Set2EffectF valuep value
EmotionMeanSDMeanSDMain effect: emotion134.683<0.001
Positive6.280.986.161.18Main effect: set6.5370.029
Neutral1.880.361.750.36Interaction effect: emotion*set0.0020.969
  • A 2 emotion (positive, neutral) × 2 set (Set1, Set2) two-way ANOVA was performed on the valence and arousal ratings of the scene stimuli. A main effect of emotion was observed in both the valence and arousal ratings with the positive scenes being rated higher in both valence and arousal than the neutral scenes. No emotion × set interaction was observed for both valence and arousal ratings.