Phase | Starting point (s) | Duration (s) | Number of participants who agreed (%) | SD of all responses (s) |
Exposition | 0 | 151 | 19 (100%) | 0 |
Rising action | 151 | 149 | 13 (68.42%) | 95.83 |
Crisis | 300 | 45 | 10 (52.63%) | 65.92 |
Climax | 345 | 115 | 12 (63.16%) | 32.37 |
Falling action | 460 | 22 | 17 (89.47%) | 23.74 |
Denouement | 482 | 24 | 18 (94.74%) | 4.05 |
This table shows the time stamps for starting and duration made by independent raters. The choice of the starting time point of each phase of the dramatic arc was obtained from the data of 19 participants that indicated these moments. From the starting time points, the duration of each phase was calculated. The number of participants that indicated the same time points statistically and the standard deviation (SD) of all responses are indicated in the last two columns, respectively.