Table 1

Detailed experimental protocol for neurobehavioral analysis

Control (n = 11)BT(OF) (n = 11)BT(EE) (n = 11)
Day 1: habituationRats were placed in an empty NOR apparatus and were allowed to freely explore the arena for 5 min.
Day 2: trainingTwo similar shaped objects were placed in NOR apparatus and rats were allowed to explore the objects
for 5 min. Single trial training was provided to all groups.
No novelty exposure was provided15 min after training, rats
were subjected to 5-min
open field task as novelty
15 min after training, rats were
subjected to 5-min environment
enrichment as novelty
Day 3: testOne object was replaced with a novel object in NOR apparatus and rats were tested for 5 min for NOR
long-term memory
  • Experimental protocol for studying the effect of different types of novelty exposure on memory consolidation process. Animals were randomly divided into three experimental groups: control, BT(OF), and BT(EE) with n = 11 for each group. All groups were subjected to NOR as the learning task, while OF and EE were two different types of novelties used to induce the BT phenomenon. Control group was not given novelty exposure. Complete neurobehavioral experiment consisted of three days protocol following 5 min of habituation, single trial training (followed by novelty for two groups) and testing session.