Table 1

Demographic information about human brain samples used in this study

HCMDDMDD-PSignificance (test performed)
Sample size111012
Sex (F/M)4/75/56/6p =0.0716 (χ2 test)
Age (years)47.91 (12.06)44.70 (10.11)41.50 (12.02)F(2,30) = 0.8925; p =0.4202 (one-way ANOVA × HC)
Race (% white)90.91100.0091.67p =0.0105 (χ2 test)
Duration of Illness (years)11.11 (8.61)12.33 (7.00)p =0.7211 (χ2 test)
Brain pH6.64 (0.19)6.69 (0.14)6.59 (0.14)F(2,30) = 1.075; p =0.3540 (one-way ANOVA × HC)
PMI (h)24.73 (11.00)23.40 (7.37)0.94935.75 (13.96)0.049F(2,30) = 4.085; p =0.0270 (one-way ANOVA × HC)
Suicide (%)0.0060.0075.00p <0.0001 (χ2 test)
Antidepressant use (%)9.0990.0058.33p <0.0001 (χ2 test)
Antipychotic use (%)0.0030.0041.66p <0.0001 (χ2 test)
  • F, Female; M, male. Values represent the mean (SD). For PMI, one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s post-test was performed, and respective adjusted p values are shown in superscript in MDD and MDD-P.