Table 4

Statistical table

Hypothesisp-valueF value μ1μ2 or βNb samples
Zone significant predictor of HGEC0.0004977.6052,203
Zone significant predictor of LGEC0.1302.04152,203
Zone significant predictor of ThEC0.0572.86052,203
Regions significant predictor of HGEC2.14e–19118052,203
Regions significant predictor of LGEC4.85–2524152,203
Regions significant predictor of ThEC4.31e–10599.752,203
SF patients significantly different from NSF in HGEC0.2061.6552,203
SF patients significantly different from NSF in LGEC0.9100.01352,203
SF patients significantly different from NSF in ThEC0.2051.6652,203
Seizure outcome significant predictor of HGEC0.1622.0252,203
Seizure outcome significant predictor of LGEC0.5390.38452,203
Seizure outcome significant predictor of ThEC0.5200.42152,203
SOZ HGEC > NSOZ HGEC in SF patients1.10e–918.8 (μ1μ2 = 0.0165)401
SOZ LGEC > NSOZ LGEC in SF patients0.02178.23 (μ1μ2 = 0.00412)401
SOZ ThEC < NSOZ ThEC in SF patients1.12e–612.1 (μ1μ2 = –0.00761)2785
SOZ ThEC < NSOZ ThEC in NSF patients0.0085514.9 (μ1μ2 = –0.00245)2785
In SOZ, M-L, HGEC SF > HGEC NSF0.0011411.8 (μ1μ2 = 0.001143)996
In SOZ, M-L, LGEC SF > LGEC NSF0.002059.94 (μ1μ2 = 0.016924)996
In NSOZ, E-E, LGEC SF < LGEC NSF0.00897.46 (μ1μ2 = –0.011616)5069
In NSOZ, L-L, ThEC SF < ThEC NSF0.01117.03 (μ1μ2 = –0.010777)6106
Spikes significant predictor of HGEC1.22e–100455 ( β = 0.00410)52,203
Spikes significant predictor of LGEC7.71e–106479 ( β = 0.00279)52,203
Spikes significant predictor of ThEC1.54e–50233 ( β = 0.00165)52,203
Distance significant predictor of HGEC7.32e–1105504 ( β = 0.900)52,203
Distance significant predictor of LGEC1.40e–1216401 ( β = 0.868)52,203
Distance significant predictor of ThEC2.12e–873804 ( β = 0.717)52,203
  • Significant values are shown in bold.