Table 3

LP neuron model equations

IAm2hS(v+5410) 15S(v+605) 100Soma/neurite
ICam2hS(v+4515) 2+2S(v+4020) S([Ca]in12.57) 100Soma/neurite
Ihm2tanh+(v+5810) 200--Soma/neurite
IK(Ca)mhS(v+45.52)1+0.00715[Ca]in 10011+([Ca]in0.03)1.25 10Soma/neurite
IMImS(v+1918) 2--
IMI-Tm3hS(v+52.54.8) 2+150cosh(v+561.6) [S(v+612.8)0.1]+ 100+600cosh(0.25(v+60))+200S(0.5(v+60)) Soma/neurite
INam3hS(v+1812.25) 2S(v+287.7) 5Axon
IKm4S(v+235) 2+14S(v+235) --Axon
  • In this table, S(x) denotes the logistic sigmoid function 1/(1+exp(–x)), f+(x) denotes the positive part of f(x) (with the negative portions set to 0), voltage (v) is in mV, intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca]in) is in millimolar, and time constants (τm, τh) are in milliseconds.