Table 1

Scoring attributes and criteria

CoatSmooth, shinyRough, duff, protrudingLike + with gluingLike ++ with loss of space
SkinSmooth, physiological colorDry, rough, scalyCracked, barkedLesions
OrificesClean, dryLight secretionsSoilingLesions
Nutritional statusGoodModerateSkinny, fatAtrophy, obese
Mucosal membranePale, pinkish redRedWashed outPale, cyanotic, yellow
Behavior at restRelaxedTenseTremblingNervous, anxious
Behavior in motionCoordinated, fluentUncoordinatedClear lameness and/or ataxiaHighly disturbed
Solitary behaviorInconspicuousUnphysiological repetitions/apathyStereotypicalEthopathological
Social behaviorCheerful, activePassive, inhibitedPermanently threatenedPermanently aggressive/defensive
Behavior in presence of observerAttentiveIndifferentAngry, aggressiveAttempt to escape/massive attack
Behavior in presence of staffAttentiveIndifferentAngry, aggressiveAttempt to escape/massive attack
  • – equaled 0 SPs; +, ++, and +++ equaled 1, 2, and 3 SPs, respectively. A total of 4 SPs indicated slightly disturbed healthiness.