Table 2

Summary of descriptive statistics and statistical analyses

LineData structureType of testDescription of data or analysisTest valuep ValueMean ± SD
aNormal distributionOne-way ANOVAIba1 protein, WT (n = 5) vs Het (n = 6) vs
Homo (n = 7)
F(2,15) = 0.7877p = 0.4728WT: 547,400 ± 202,011 Het: 471,500 ± 268,511
      Homo: 402,143 ± 104,266
bNormal distributionWelch’s t testqPCR quantification (ΔCt); Iba1 expression
at P7 (n = 15), and P60 (n = 6)
t(6.9003) = −2.0425p = 0.081P7: 7.84 ± 0.99 P60: 9.16 ± 1.46
cNormal distributionWelch’s t testqPCR quantification (ΔCt); EGFP expression
at P7 (n = 15), and P60 (n = 6)
t(7.9695) = −1.5523p = 0.1593P7: 10.01 ± 1.81 P60: 11.56 ± 2.16
dNormal distributionWelch’s t testMedian fluorescence intensity; Het (n = 4)
vs Homo (n = 6)
t(7.5763) = −1.8756p =0.09963Het: 623.25 ± 119.96 Homo: 843.67 ± 247.54
 Normal distributionOne-sample t testqPCR quantification (ΔΔCt); EGFP+/+ sorted
cells (n = 3) vs normalized value = 0
eIba1t(2) = −11.036p =0.0081119.84 ± 8.67
fCX3CR1t(2) = −63.772p =0.000245837.35 ± 3.57
gNest(2) = 6.8055p =0.020920.40 ± 0.09
hGfapt(2) = 55.708p =0.00032210.08 ± 0.03
iOlig2t(2) = 11.419p =0.0075820.04 ± 0.004
jNeuNt(2) = 3.0812p =0.091160.28 ± 0.17
kNormal distributionUnpaired t testMedian fluorescence intensity; blood (n = 9)
vs brain (n = 9), P7
t(17) = 2.2865p ≤ 0.0001Blood: 123.56 ± 16.49 Brain: 755.50 ± 227.59
lNormal distributionUnpaired t testMedian fluorescence intensity; blood (n = 6)
vs brain (n = 6), P60
t(10) = 5.5178p =0.0003Blood: 758.17 ± 161.10 Brain: 9690.2 ± 3961.8
mNormal distributionUnpaired t testCD45 high EGFP+ in brain and bloodt(4) = 5.050p =0.0072Blood: 15.87 ± 4.704
Brain: 52.23 ± 11.55
 Normal distributionUnpaired t testEGFP+ population in brain (n = 3) and blood (n = 3)   
nB cellst(4) = 2.825p =0.0476Blood: 11.81 ± 7.18 Brain: 0.1 ± 0.17
oT cellst(4) = 4.085p =0.0150Blood: 0.13 ± 0.06 Brain: 0.95 ± 0.34
pMyeloid/macrophaget(4) = 32.20p = <0.0001Blood: 2.92 ± 0.6 Brain: 61.67 ± 3.1
qMonocytet(4) = 3.479p =0.0254Blood: 51.93 ± 15.12
Brain: 18.97 ± 6.39
rOthert(4) = 1.979p =0.1189Blood: 28.1 ± 10.91 Brain: 15.03 ± 3.42
sNormal distributionUnpaired t testMyeloid cell/macrophage EGFP+ in brain
(n = 3) and blood (n = 3)
t(4) = 3.999p =0.0161Blood: 62.17 ± 9.767; Brain: 85.37 ± 2.359
tNormal distributionUnpaired t testMonocyte EGFP+ in brain (n = 3) and blood (n = 3)t(4) = 2.568p =0.0621Blood: 39.97 ± 13.79
Brain: 69.43 ± 14.31
Iba1+/GFP+ colocalization; Het (n = 4) vs
Homo (n = 6)
uPrefrontal cortexHet: 93.97 ± 12.06% Homo: 100 ± 0%
vNucleus accumbensHet: 91.59 ± 3.69% Homo: 98.96 ± 2.55%
wHippocampusHet: 92.59 ± 9.19% Homo: 95.34 ± 8.42%
xAmygdalaHet: 91.39 ± 5.05% Homo: 100 ± 0%
  • Het, Heterozygous; Homo, homozygous.