Table 2

AAL Regions displaying the greatest difference between baseline approximations and longitudinal measurements

DomainAge groupxyzAAL regionHemMAEN. ROIs
MEMYoung−24573Superior frontal gyrus (DL)L35.6557
−27543Middle frontal gyrusL31.06132
−3054−3Superior frontal gyrus (ORB)L30.962
Middle−42−63−24Cerebellum crus 1L29.4616
−216312Superior frontal gyrus (DL)L28.6448
−42−57−24Cerebellar crus 6L28.4156
Old30−84−18Lingual gyrusR39.7494
36−84−15Inferior occipital lobeR37.8656
27−84−18Cerebellar crus 1R37.5847
FLUIDYoung−21639Superior frontal gyrus (DL)L28.2261
−96312Superior frontal gyrus (Med)L21.89157
−275712Middle frontal gyrusL19.8464
Middle−945−9Superior frontal gyrus (MedOrb)L22.6410
−633−6Cingulate gyrus (Ant)L21.2073
639−9Superior frontal gyrus (MedOrb)R20.719
Old39−69−24Cerebellar crus 1R20.1563
−42−63−24Cerebellar crus 1L18.6416
36−72−21Cerebellar crus 6R17.19111
SPEEDYoung−4545−9Inferior frontal gyrus (ORB)L21.6130
−4245−6Middle frontal gyrus (Orb)L20.0518
36546Middle frontal gyrusR18.70105
Middle−3054−3Superior frontal gyrus (Orb)L18.492
−3354−3Middle frontal gyrus (Orb)L17.9918
18−93−12Lingual gyrusR16.0249
Old2436−21Middle frontal gyrus (Orb)R19.178
36−900Inferior occipital lobeR18.7552
36−903Middle occipital lobeR18.6642
VOCABYoung−3951−6Middle frontal gyrus (Orb)L33.8818
−3054−3Superior frontal gyrus (Orb)L33.362
−33540Superior frontal gyrus (DL)L32.8840
Middle30−909Middle occipital lobeR23.3388
15−963Calcarine fissure + surrounding cortex (V1)R21.2323
39−69−24Cerebellar crus 1R20.2651
Old36−903Middle occipital lobeR32.27103
36−900Inferior occipital lobeR30.8292
39−69−24Inferior occipital lobeR24.2927
  • The three regions per age bracket and domain displaying the greatest difference, via MAE metric at the >97.5 percentile, are presented. Coordinates refer to the center voxel of the ROI. As MAE is a negative-oriented error metric, higher values indicate higher differences. The “N.ROIs” column represents the number of ROIs in the >97.5 percentile subset (601 ROIs/comparison) for which the left voxel is located in the AAL (automated anatomical labeling) region listed. For instance, in the case of the first row entry, the left dorsolateral superior frontal gyrus displayed the greatest difference at x, y, and z locations (−24, 57, and 3), but this region was among the top 601 ROIs displaying the greatest differences for 57 of the 601 ROIs. Hem, Hemisphere; L, left; R, right; DL, dorsolateral; Orb, orbital; Med, medial.