Table 4

ROIs Denoted by AAL area expressing the greatest integrated positive change for longitudinal measurements

DomainAge groupxyzAAL regionHemIntegralN. ROIs
MEMYoung−330−6Cingulate gyrus (Ant)L220.3471
333−6Cingulate gyrus (Ant)R213.2635
936−9Superior frontal gyrus (MedOrb)R212.149
Middle−342−6Superior frontal gyrus (MedOrb)L142.2010
−948−3Cingulate gyrus (Ant)L141.0166
333−6Cingulate gyrus (Ant)R136.4132
FLUIDYoung−21639Superior frontal gyrus (DL)L534.5149
−96312Superior frontal gyrus (Med)L388.1185
−275712Middle frontal gyrus (MedOrb)L369.1257
Middle−21639Superior frontal gyrus (DL)L340.6641
−96312Superior frontal gyrus (Med)L282.2991
15−93−12Lingual gyrusR241.3930
Old24−93−12Lingual gyrusR254.7618
27−90−9Inferior occipital lobeR221.9923
156315Superior frontal gyrus (Med)R188.5146
SPEEDYoung−645−9Superior frontal gyrus (MedOrb)L265.7010
−639−6Cingulate gyrus (Ant)L236.82105
639−9Superior frontal gyrus (MedOrb)R223.888
Middle−645−6Superior frontal gyrus (MedOrb)L204.8910
18−96−3Calcarine fissure + surrounding cortex (V1)R201.2331
−948−3Cingulate gyrus (Ant)L194.5197
18−96−3Calcarine fissure + surrounding cortex (V1)R111.6914
−6516Superior frontal gyrus (Med)L105.1139
VOCABYoung30−909Middle occipital lobeR375.2588
15−963Calcarine fissure + surrounding cortex (V1)L355.3831
33−900Inferior occipital lobeR336.6785
Middle30−909Middle occipital lobeR349.4488
15−963Calcarine fissure + surrounding cortex (V1)R333.8731
33−900Inferior occipital lobeR310.8981
Old15−963Calcarine fissure + surrounding cortex (V1)R252.6030
30−909Middle occipital lobeR242.3071
33−900Inferior occipital lobeR205.0479
  • The three regions per age bracket and domain displaying the greatest integrated positive change at the >97.5 percentile, are presented. Integrated change was calculated via trapezoidal summation in the segmented age bracket. Coordinates refer to the left voxel of the ROI. Higher values signify greater positive change. The “N.ROIs” column represents the number of ROIs in the >97.5 percentile subset (601 ROIs/comparison) for which the center voxel is located in the AAL (automated anatomical labeling) region listed. For instance, in the case of the first row entry, the left anterior cingulate gyrus displayed the greatest positive change at x, y, and z locations (−3, 30, and −6), but this region was among the top 601 ROIs displaying the greatest positive change for 71 of the 601 ROIs. Hem, Hemisphere; L, left; R, right; DL, dorsolateral; Med, medial; Ant, anterior; Med, medial.