Table 2

The effects of inhibitors on AII eEPSC amplitude and mEPSC frequency

DataData structureType of testPowerMean ± SEMNumber of cells
Effect on AII eEPSC amplitude
ControlNon-normal distribution1.00 ± 0.00
50 μm W-7Normal distribution0.28 ± 0.059
100 μm ML-9Non-normal distribution0.12 ± 0.0410
4 μm KN-62Normal distribution0.85 ± 0.0710
40 μm MMPXNon-normal distribution0.82 ± 0.168
1 μm ascomycinNormal distribution0.73 ± 0.078
aControl vs W-7Wilcoxon signed-rank testp = 0.00399
bControl vs ML-9Wilcoxon signed-rank testp = 0.002010
cControl vs KN-62Wilcoxon signed-rank testp = 0.058610
dControl vs MMPXWilcoxon signed-rank testp = 0.46098
eControl vs ascomycinWilcoxon signed-rank testp = 0.00788
Effect on AII mEPSC frequency
ControlNon-normal distribution1.00 ± 0.00
50 μm W-7Non-normal distribution5.95 ± 0.8615
100 μm ML-9Normal distribution7.19 ± 1.3210
4 μm KN-62Normal distribution0.88 ± 0.0711
40 μm MMPXNormal distribution1.35 ± 0.238
1 μm ascomycinNormal distribution0.94 ± 0.1015
fControl vs W-7Wilcoxon signed-rank testp < 0.000115
gControl vs ML-9Wilcoxon signed-rank testp = 0.002010
hControl vs KN-62Wilcoxon signed-rank testp = 0.213911
iControl vs MMPXWilcoxon signed-rank testp = 0.38288
jControl vs ascomycinWilcoxon signed-rank testp = 0.359115