Table 1

Summary of the individual properties of each monkey

IntactUntreatedTreated with anti-Nogo-A antibody
General informationBirthday17.07.9915.06.9602.02.0412.05.9620.02.0121.05.0320.02.0122.12.9730.04.9728.03.0220.02.0109.03.98
Date of killing17.08.0915.02.0222.12.0909.02.0413.01.0519.01.0707.02.0509.11.0421.09.0103.08.0514.02.0516.11.04
LesionDate of lesion----25.08.0416.08.0629.09.0404.05.0407.03.0113.04.0529.09.0402.06.04
SCI side----leftrightrightleftleftleftrightleft
Weight at time of lesion (kg)----5.1-
Age at the time of the lesion (d)----12821183131723251407111213172277
Hemisection extent (%)----5173904563788058
Degree of functional recovery from SCI, total score (%)1 ----901005383221009699
Duration of functional recovery (d)2 ----494341494772736
Treatmenttype of antibody----ctrlctrlctrlctrlctrlATIATI11c7
Cocentration (mg/ml)----9793.73.73.693.7
Volume (ml)----42444244
Days of antibody injection----3029282932282815
  • M = male; F = female; fasc = M. fascicularis; mul = M. mulatta; rhe = Rhesus.

  • 1 Expressed in percentages of postlesion total score at plateau divided by prelesion total score in the modified Brinkman board task: all slots.

  • 2 Time interval from the day of lesion to the beginning of postlesion plateau, as defined by Kaeser et al. (2011).

  • 3 Mk-CGa and Mk-AG suffered from a more caudal lesion than C7/C8. These monkeys were taken into account in this study but with some reserves.