Table 1

Demographic summary of donors associated with the Allen Institute’s Aging, Dementia and TBI Study

HippocampusParietal cortexTemporal cortex
Sample size292127212823
Age (years)88.2 ± 6.491.0 ± 6.088.4 ± 6.690.7 ± 6.188.2 ± 6.590.1 ± 5.8
Female percentage48.3%38.1%51.9%28.6%46.4%30.4%
APOE4 alleles7.1%38.9%** 11.5%36.8%* 11.1%38.1%*
  • * p <0.05.

  • ** p <0.01, χ2 test for gender and APOE4 composition among groups. An unpaired t test was used for age analysis.