Render type effect on all looking parameters investigated: cumulative fixation duration (FixDur), fixation number (FixNum), mean fixation duration (MeanFix), and total looking time (LookT) on the entire face, the eyes and the mouth, as well as exploration distance (ExplorDistance) and the feature index
Lookingparameter | Wireframe | Grayscale | Furless | Avatar | Real | χ2 (df = 4),n = 64, p value | |||||
median (IQR) | Diff | median (IQR) | Diff | median (IQR) | Diff | median (IQR) | Diff | median (IQR) | Diff | ||
FixDur face | 1372.38 (1004.95–1528.14) | – | 1264.38 (909.91–1491.12) | R | 1307.35 (972.22–1500.50) | – | 1287.79 (1067.57–1497.17) | – | 1291.11 (1107.00–1503.56) | G | 14.34, 0.0063 |
FixNum face | 5.25 (4.10–5.88) | G,F | 4.50 (3.47–5.15) | W,A,R | 4.65 (3.87–5.30) | W,A,R | 5.05 (4.29–5.54) | G,F,R | 5.24 (4.59–5.81) | G,F,A | 72.60, 0.000 |
MeanFix face | 257.90 (202.76–297.55) | G,F | 281.20 (219.47–335.81) | W,R | 279.79 (215.82–318.47) | W | 266.05 (223.89–317.37) | – | 255.79 (209.76–304.01) | G | 14.31, 0.000 |
LookT face | 1747.15 (1481.48–1904.80) | – | 1645.17 (1332.39–1805.54) | R | 1632.71 (1325.82–1818.56) | R | 1659.63 (1464.91–1869.56) | – | 1722.50 (1490.59–1859.79) | G,F | 20.16, 0.000 |
FixDur eyes | 131.69 (43.25–333.02) | – | 154.24 (40.20–340.94) | R | 208.69 (79.64–424.49) | R | 148.73 (54.76–258.94) | – | 120.68 (57.80–196.25) | G,F | 22.76, 0.000 |
FixNum eyes | 0.69 (0.23–1.45) | – | 0.79 (0.14–1.60) | – | 0.88 (0.41–1.63) | R | 0.73 (0.19 –1.16) | – | 0.59 (0.30–0.95) | F | 13.96, 0.0074 |
MeanFix eyes | 87.69 (34.21–160.47) | F | 99.03 (27.18–185.81) | – | 111.18 (41.15–200.42) | W,R | 86.06 (46.71–137.05) | – | 88.52 (41.03–113.22) | F | 17.82, 0.0013 |
LookT eyes | 206.27 (68.00–450.86) | – | 233.94 (70.78–433.51) | R | 264.91 (113.93–543.33) | R | 225.89 (88.39–331.98) | – | 150.89 (85.44–235.24) | G,F | 22.95, 0.000 |
FixDur mouth | 114.21 (44.21–348.00) | R | 85.50 (22.00–238.72) | R | 83.55 (36.43–255.68) | R | 134.61 (37.64–322.05) | R | 295.09 (154.16–502.11) | W,G,F,A | 31.41, 0.000 |
FixNum mouth | 0.47 (0.20–1.10) | R | 0.30 (0.13–0.76) | R | 0.35 (0.15–0.88) | R | 0.60 (0.18–1.00) | R | 1.05 (0.65–1.75) | W,G,F,A | 49.13, 0.000 |
MeanFix mouth | 88.65 (38.25–170.35) | R | 66.22 (21.51–134.25) | R | 72.56 (21.61–167.42) | R | 85.35 (34.71–180.25) | R | 184.02 (121.85–234.05) | W,G,F,A | 32.15, 0.000 |
LookT mouth | 185.02 (89.82–508.29) | R | 140.38 (48.50–486.70) | R | 190.06 (70.80–458.94) | R | 216.90 (76.28–545.16) | R | 663.86 (357.08–890.90) | W,G,F,A | 79.75, 0.000 |
ExplorDistance | 10.38 (6.17–13.22) | F | 10.57 (5.25–12.73) | A,R | 10.91 (6.98–12.67) | W,A,R | 12.57 (7.26–14.25) | G,F | 11.82 (7.52–14.12) | G,F | 50.91, 0.000 |
Feature index | –0.13 (–0.45–0.064) | – | –0.23 (–0.48–0.19) | – | –0.27 (–0.42–0.15) | – | –0.29 (–0.47–0.070) | – | –0.32 (–0.49– 0.00) | – | 7.16, 0.13 |
Table shows group medians and interquartile range (IQR) of all eight subjects per condition, results of Friedman’s ANOVA (last column) with test statistic value (χ2), degrees of freedom (df), number of values per condition included in the statistical analysis (n), and significance level (p value) and shows from which groups the respective group differed significantly (Diff, p < 0.05) according to Dunn and Sidák’s post hoc multiple comparisons approach (W = wireframe, G = grayscale, F = furless, A = avatar, R = real). To be able to apply Friedman’s ANOVA, trials with a blowing avatar were excluded from the analysis to assure the same number of expressions per render type category (no blowing expression in the real video). Effects were regarded as statistically significant at p < 0.05; p values <0.001 were rounded to 0.000.