Table 3.

Significant clusters representing relationship between SDBOLD and eight variables (Fig. 3)

ROI nameMNI coordinates, mm; x, y, zCluster size, voxelsBSR
Left parahippocampal gyrus27, 22, 137898.13
Right thalamus17, 26, 163697.31
Left lateral occipital cortex31, 12, 26327.02
Right caudate, subcallosal cortex21, 36, 17307.28
Left temporal fusiform cortex31, 30, 8295.72
Right superior parietal lobule15, 21, 34285.89
Right superior temporal gyrus, posterior division6, 23, 18287.09
Left superior parietal lobule29, 19, 34256.53
Left occipital pole25, 8, 20255.57
Left middle frontal gyrus33, 36, 25195.7
Left superior temporal gyrus38, 23, 18175.84
Left middle temporal gyrus38, 28, 15165.08
Right insular cortex12, 29, 17134.69
Right frontal pole14, 42, 24125.72
Left postcentral gyrus33, 24, 30115.25
Right precuneus cortex21, 11, 28115.65
Right paracingulate gyrus20, 44, 16105.56
Right superior paracingulate gyrus20, 37, 27104.59
Left caudate25, 36, 2085.23
Right frontal operculum cortex13, 38, 1884.95
Right angular gyrus6, 19, 2174.87
Right insular cortex14, 32, 2075.2
Right parietal operculum cortex11, 25, 2274.51
Left postcentral gyrus38, 27, 2475.42
Left juxstapositional lobule cortex (formerly supplementary morter cortex)22, 28, 3174.75
Left precuneus cortex23, 18, 3475.13
Left precuneus cortex27, 16, 2064.82
Right frontal pole22, 46, 2565.11
Right frontal pole10, 33, 855.06
Right lateral occipital cortex, superior division14, 15, 2855.38
Right precuneus cortex20, 18, 3155.13
  • Only clusters of five voxels or larger with bootstrap ratio (BSR) >|4| are included.