Table 3

Analysis of the densities (numbers/mm2) of PNN, PV and PV+PNN, % PV surrounded by PNN and % PNN located around PV in the three SCS nuclei

Brain55 dphSummerAutumnWinter (no T)Winter (+ T)SpringKruskal–WallisH (DF) (η² H )Mann–WhitneyU (η²)
PNN density (/mm²)34.8 ± 4.742.8 ± 9.476.9 ± 10.6a 73.8 ± 6.8a 58.8 ± 7.767.2 ± 6.9(a) H(4) = 17.28** (0.32)U = 14 (0.16)
PV density (/mm²)347 ± 28311 ± 8247 ± 23374 ± 21c 414 ± 49440 ± 50c H(4) = 16.74** (0.31)U = 13 (0.19)
PV+PNN density (/mm²)20.9 ± 3.432.6 ± 6.368.9 ± 10.6a 63.0 ± 5.4a 43.5 ± 5.453.1 ± 9.1H(4) = 21.53*** (0.44)U = 10* (0.28)
% PV with PNN6.6 ± 1.010.8 ± 2.432.2 ± 8.2a-b 17.4 ± 2.0a 10.8 ± 1.513.8 ± 2.9H(4) = 20.04*** (0.40)U = 6* (0.41)
% PNN with PV58.3 ± 4.381.0 ± 4.489.3 ± 2.5a 85.7 ± 1.8a 75.2 ± 5.278.1 ± 10.6(a) H(4) = 18.94*** (0.37)U = 13.5 (0.18)
PNN density (/mm²)37.1 ± 7.845.78 ± 7.758.8 ± 9.276.3 ± 6.5a 66.0 ± 7.373.8 ± 6.6a H(4) = 13.85** (0.22)U = 18 (0.08)
PV density (/mm²)355 ± 30545 ± 50(a) 626 ± 70a 288 ± 29b-c 244 ± 12361 ± 31(c) H(4) = 22.59*** (0.47)U = 18 (0.08)
PV+PNN density (/mm²)33.1 ± 7.243.6 ± 7.858.1 ± 8.969.7 ± 6.2(a) 57.3 ± 5.370.5 ± 6.6a H(4) = 13.53** (0.22)U = 15 (0.14)
% PV with PNN10.6 ± 2.78.5 ± 1.610.7 ± 2.225.4 ± 2.9a-b 24.0 ± 2.521.0 ± 3.2H(4) = 17.27** (0.32)U = 26.5 (0.00)
% PNN with PV90.1 ± 3.994.6 ± 2.899.2 ± 0.891.5 ± 2.988.8 ± 4.195.8 ± 3.1H(4) = 5.85 (0.00)U = 24 (0.01)
Area X
PNN density (/mm²)48.8 ± 8.042.1 ± 5.663.1 ± 12.582.9 ± 5.0(b) 71.1 ± 12.683.8 ± 13.4H(4) = 11.88* (0.17)U = 20 (0.05)
PV density (/mm²)355 ± 14290 ± 8244 ± 14a 216 ± 14a-(b) 198 ± 9235 ± 15a H(4) = 25.49*** (0.56)U = 22.5 (0.02)
PV+PNN density (/mm²)35.4 ± 6.834.8 ± 4.144.3 ± 8.873.0 ± 4.4a-b 58.8 ± 12.273.0 ± 13.7H(4) = 15.44** (0.27)U = 21 (0.04)
% PV with PNN9.8 ± 1.712.1 ± 1.419.5 ± 4.534.4 ± 2.4a-b 30.2 ± 6.131.4 ± 5.8a H(4) = 20.73*** (0.42)U = 24 (0.01)
% PNN with PV72.5 ± 6.184.7 ± 4.168.9 ± 4.588.6 ± 3.8(c) 77.5 ± 7.583.4 ± 5.0H(4) = 10.39* (0.13)U = 19.5 (0.06)
PNN density (/mm²)38.9 ± 7.739.9 ± 10.153.0 ± 10.261.4 ± 11.555.9 ± 8.163.9 ± 15.5H(4) = 3.97 (–0.06)U = 25.5 (0.00)
PV density (/mm²)338 ± 23418 ± 29490 ± 49620 ± 42a 718 ± 46649 ± 37a H(4) = 23.86*** (0.51)U = 17.5 (0.09)
PV+PNN density (/mm²)19.2 ± 8.434.8 ± 9.147.9 ± 8.954.7 ± 9.850.8 ± 7.160.5 ± 15.4(a) H(4) = 10.76* (0.14)U = 26.5 (0.00)
% PV with PNN6.6 ± 3.59.1 ± 2.711.0 ± 2.78.74 ± 1.47.3 ± 1.29.7 ± 2.8H(4) = 5.33 (–0.02)U = 22.5 (0.02)
% PNN with PV41.0 ± 14.087.4 ± 4.692.8 ± 4.091.1 ± 3.691.6 ± 2.891.5 ± 7.0H(4) = 8.15 (0.06)U = 26 (0.00)
  • The table shows the mean ± SEM of the different measures. The last two columns present the statistical results of the Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA for the seasonal effect and the results of the Mann–Whitney tests of the effect of T during the winter. Results of significant post hoc tests are labeled by the letters a, b, and c indicating a significant different by comparison with the 55 dph, summer, and autumn, respectively. Letters in parenthesis indicate a trend (0.05 < p <0.10). Effect size is indicated in parenthesis for each test. Levels of significance are indicated as follows: (*)p <0.10, *p <0.05, **p <0.01, ***p <0.001.