Table 1

Clinical characteristics of stroke survivors

SubjectAge (years)GenderAffected sideLesion locationFugl-Meyer scoreMedium walking speedAdapt stridesPoststrides
P1 43 Female R Left MCA and basal ganglia 33 1.13 907 605
P2 64 Female R Left MCA and ACA, temporal lobe, basal ganglia 26 0.81 867 642
P3 64FemaleRLeft MCA, frontal, parietal lobe and basal ganglia290.60616308
P4 58FemaleRLeft medial, frontal and parietal area’s210.45901624
P5 56 Female L Right parietal posterior and temporal lobes 31 0.94 941 615
P6 64 Male L Right MCA 31 0.34 452 300
P7 78MaleLRight MCA 486217
P8 55 Female L Right MCA 23 0.87 903 602
P9 66 Male R Left MCA, frontal, temporal and parietal lobes 30 0.77 605 599
P10 60 Female R Left frontal 26 0.9 908 600
P11 77 Male R Thalamus 30 0.35 590 601
P12 59 Male R Left MCA 32 0.7 905 600
P13 52 Male R Left MCA 32 0.96 903 603
P14 66 Male L Right frontal superior, parietal and posterior area steady state 29 0.76 909 602
P15 75 Male R Left periventricular, temporal and basal ganglia 32 0.94 913 552
P16 49 Male R Frontotemporal parietal 33 0.71 931 303
  • ACA, anterior cerebral artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery. Clinical characteristics of stroke survivors. Bold type indicates subjects who are included in the speed-matched analysis. Italic type indicates subjects who are included in the asymmetry-matched analysis. Bold-italic type indicates subjects who are included in both speed-matched analysis and asymmetry-matched analysis.