Anterior commissure | Aca | Medial forebrain bundle | MFB |
Anterodorsal preoptic nucleus | ADP | Medial habenula | mHb |
Anterior olfactory area | AO | Medial preoptic area | MPA |
Arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus | Arc | Medial parabrachial nucleus | MPB |
Basolateral amygdala | BLA | Medial raphe nucleus | MnR |
Basolateral amygdala posterior part | BLP | Nucleus accumbens core | NacC |
Bed nucleus stria terminalis | BNST | Nucleus accumbens shell | NAcSH |
CA1 region of hippocampus | CA1 | Olfactory tubercle | OT |
CA3 region of hippocampus | CA3 | Periaqueductal gray | PAG |
Cerebellum | Cb | Parabrachial pigmented area | PBP |
Corpus callosum | cc | Periventricular hypothalamic nucleus | Pe |
Central amygdala | CeA | Prefrontal cortex | PFC |
Caudal linear raphe nucleus | CLi | Cortico/Hip amygdala | PMCo/AHiAL |
Caudate putamen | Cpu | Premammillary nucleus of the hypothalamus | PMH |
Dopamine | DA | Retromammillary nucleus | RMN |
Dorsal raphe | DR | Paranigral nucleus | PN |
Dorsal aspect third ventricle | D3V | Edinger-Westphal nucleus | prEW/EW |
Glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb | GI | Rostral linear raphe nucleus | RLi |
Hypothalamus | Hyp | Raphe nucleus | RN |
Inferior colliculus | IC | Retrorubral field | RRF |
Interfascicular nucleus | IF | Reticulotegmental nucleus of the pons | RtTg |
Interpeduncular nucleus | IPN | Substantia nigra pars compacta | SNc |
Lateral habenula | LHb | Substantia nigra pars reticulata | SNr |
Lateral hypothalamus | LH | Subthalamic nucleus | STN |
Lateral septum | LS | Ventral tegmental area | VTA |
Lateral ventricle | LV | Zona incerta | ZI |
Median emminence | ME | Third ventricle | 3V |
Medial amygdala posterior part | MePD/PV | | |