Table 2.

Summary of results obtained in double-FISH analysis of tdTomDAT-Cre mice

Brain areatdTomDatThVglut2Gad1
SNcSubstantia nigra+++100%100%--
VTAVentral tegmental area+++60%100%7%0.5%
RLiRostral linear raphe nucleus++20%100%70%1%
CLiCaudal linear caudal raphe++25%100%3%-
GIGlomerular layer of the olfactory bulb+++-100%-100%
AOAnterior olfactory area+----
LSLateral septum+---100%
LHbLateral habenula+--100%-
PePeriventricular hypothalamic nucleus+---8%
MPAMedial preoptic area0/+----
CeACentral amygdala0/+---60%
BNSTBed nucleus stria terminalis+---100%
MePD/PVMedial amygdala posterior part+---100%
LHLateral hypothalamus+-55%-100%
ADPAnterodorsal preoptic nucleus+-50%-100%
ArcArcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus+++100%100%-100%
BLPBasolateral amygdala posterior part++--45%1%
PMCo/AHiALCortico/hip amygdala+--100%-
PMHPremammillary nucleus of the hypothalamus+++5% weak signal10% weak signal100%-
RMNRetromammillary nucleus+--100%-
prEW/EWEdinger–Westphal nucleus+-100%10%-
PAGPeriaqueductal gray++-100%40%-
RRFRetrorubral field+++100%100%--
DRDorsal raphe+1%100%--
ICInferior colliculus+----
CbPurkinje cells of cerebellum+++---100%
MPBMedial parabrachial nucleus+/++-5%30%100%
RtTgReticulotegmental nucleus of the pons+/++----
  • Semi-quantitative analysis of the degree of co-localization between tdTom mRNA (graded as +, ++, +++ for increasing density of positive cells) and Dat, Th, Vglut2, and Gad1 mRNAs, respectively. Representative images shown in Figure 5.