Children demographic data and lesions main features
Patientcode | Age at scan(years) | Gender | Gestational age at birth(weeks) | Birth weight(g) | Clinical debut(hours of age) | Age of MRI diagnostic (d) | Vascularterritory | Stroke volume at birth (ml) | Motor impairment(hemiplegia) | Epilepsya |
L1 | 4 | M | 41 | 3160 | Clonic seizures at 12 h | 4 | M2 L | 18890 | No | No |
L2 | 3.5 | F | 41 | 2960 | Clonic seizures at 26 h | 10 | M4 L | 47428 | Yes | No |
L3 | 4 | M | 40 | 3560 | Clonic seizures at 48 h | 20 | M1 Post-bifurcation L | 17588 | No | No |
L4 | 4 | F | 41 | 2600 | Clonic seizures at 18 h | 4 | M2 sup L | 27882 | No | No |
L5 | 4 | M | 39 | 3340 | Clonic seizures at 24 h | 5 | M1 Post-bifurcation L | 36512 | No | No |
L6 | 3.5 | M | 40 | 3025 | Clonic seizures at 41 h | 5 | M1 Post-bifurcation L | 23509 | Yes | No |
↵a Epilepsy = at least two recurrent and unprovoked seizures.