Table 2.

Volume overlap ratio of the NSME regions in this study with previously reported functional networks

SME/NSME networks (Kim, 2011)Functional networks (Shirer et al., 2012)
Sentence length NSME
Cingulate gyrus  0.92*0.15  0.03 
R-insula/inferior frontal gyrus0.41* 0.37*    0.05
Paragraph-length NSME
R-precuneus/cingulate gyrus 0.18* 0.41*0.200.37* 0.04
L-hippocampus/parahippocampal gyrus0.010.04
R-intraparietal sulcus    0.35*0.110.51*0.37*
  • SME/NSME networks were defined by multiple spheres of which locations and volumes were given by SME (verbal associative subgroup) and NSME (verbal item subgroup; Table 3 and 6 in Kim, 2011, respectively). Functional ROIs reported by Shirer et al. (2012) were analyzed. 6/14 functional networks showing significant overlap are listed in the table. Volume overlap was defined by (overlapped voxels)/(#voxels in the ROI). Each functional network was inflated ±1 voxel (3 mm) to give stable overlap. * indicates significance at the level of p < 0.05 with FDR correction (q < 0.05), with a null hypothesis of “volume overlap ratio between ROIs and functional regions is equal to the volume ratio of the region to the domain (voxels included in every network)”. ASN: anterior salience network; dDMN and vDMN: dorsal and ventral DMNs; PN: precuneus network; LECN: left-executive control network; VSN: visuospatial network.