Table 6.

Statistical table for observational cohort analyses

Data structureType of testPower
Cross-sectional group difference in ELC (12–24 months of age)Normal distributiont test0.72
Association between MWF and SM content (12–24 months)Normal distributionSpearman’s rank-order0.56
Association between SM content and VDQ developmentNormal distributionPearson’s r0.5
Association between SM content and temporal WM βNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and temporal WM γNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and parietal WM βNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and parietal WM γNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and parietal WM δNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and occipital WM βNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and cerebellar WM αNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and cerebellar WM βNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and cerebellar WM γNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and CC body βNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and CC body γNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and CC body δNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and CC genu βNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and CC genu δNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and CC splenium βNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and CC splenium γNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90
Association between SM content and CC splenium δNormal distributionPearson’s r>0.90