PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Armstrong, Ariel AU - Yang, Tao AU - Leng, Tiandong AU - Xiong, Zhi-Gang TI - Inhibition of ASIC1a Improves Behavioral Recovery after Stroke AID - 10.1523/ENEURO.0341-23.2023 DP - 2024 Feb 01 TA - eneuro PG - ENEURO.0341-23.2023 VI - 11 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - eNeuro2024 Feb 01; 11 AB - Stroke continues to be a leading cause of death and long-term disabilities worldwide, despite extensive research efforts. The failure of multiple clinical trials raises the need for continued study of brain injury mechanisms and novel therapeutic strategies for ischemic stroke. The contribution of acid-sensing ion channel 1a (ASIC1a) to neuronal injury during the acute phase of stroke has been well studied; however, the long-term impact of ASIC1a inhibition on stroke recovery has not been established. The present study sought to bridge part of the translational gap by focusing on long-term behavioral recovery after a 30 min stroke in mice that had ASIC1a knocked out or inhibited by PcTX1. The neurological consequences of stroke in mice were evaluated before and after the stroke using neurological deficit score, open field, and corner turn test over a 28 d period. ASIC1a knock-out and inhibited mice showed improved neurological scores more quickly than wild-type control and vehicle-injected mice after the stroke. ASIC1a knock-out mice also recovered from mobility deficits in the open field test more quickly than wild-type mice, while PcTX1-injected mice did not experience significant mobility deficits at all after the stroke. In contrast to vehicle-injected mice that showed clear-sidedness bias in the corner turn test after stroke, PcTX1-injected mice never experienced significant-sidedness bias at all. This study supports and extends previous work demonstrating ASIC1a as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of ischemic stroke.