PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Sokolov, Aidan M. AU - Aurich, Mariana AU - Bordey, Angélique TI - <em>In Utero</em> Electroporated Neurons for Medium-Throughput Screening of Compounds Regulating Neuron Morphology AID - 10.1523/ENEURO.0160-23.2023 DP - 2023 Aug 01 TA - eneuro PG - ENEURO.0160-23.2023 VI - 10 IP - 8 4099 - 4100 - SO - eNeuro2023 Aug 01; 10 AB - Several neurodevelopmental disorders are associated with increased mTOR activity that results in pathogenic neuronal dysmorphogenesis (i.e., soma and dendrite overgrowth), leading to circuit alterations associated with epilepsy and neurologic disabilities. Although an mTOR analog is approved for the treatment of epilepsy in one of these disorders, it has limited efficacy and is associated with a wide range of side effects. There is a need to develop novel agents for the treatment of mTOR-pathway related disorders. Here, we developed a medium-throughput phenotypic assay to test drug efficacy on neurite morphogenesis of mouse neurons in a hyperactive mTOR condition. Our assay involved in utero electroporation (IUE) of a selective population of cortical pyramidal neurons with a plasmid encoding the constitutively active mTOR activator, Rheb, and tdTomato. Labeled neurons from the somatosensory cortex (SSC) were cultured onto 96-well plates and fixed at various days in vitro or following Torin 1 treatment. Automated systems were used for image acquisition and neuron morphologic measurements. We validated our automated approach using traditional manual methods of neuron morphologic assessment. Both automated and manual analyses showed increased neurite length and complexity over time, and decreased neurite overgrowth and soma size with Torin 1. These data validate the accuracy of our automated approach that takes hours compared with weeks when using traditional manual methods. Taken together, this assay can be scaled to screen 32 compounds simultaneously in two weeks, highlighting its robustness and efficiency for medium-throughput screening of candidate therapeutics on a defined population of wild-type or diseased neurons.