RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Age-Related Changes in Risky Decision Making and Associated Neural Circuitry in a Rat Model JF eneuro JO eNeuro FD Society for Neuroscience SP ENEURO.0385-22.2022 DO 10.1523/ENEURO.0385-22.2022 VO 10 IS 1 A1 Orsini, Caitlin A. A1 Pyon, Wonn S. A1 Dragone, Richard J. A1 Faraji, Mojdeh A1 Wheeler, Alexa-Rae A1 Pompilus, Marjory A1 Febo, Marcelo A1 Bizon, Jennifer L. A1 Setlow, Barry YR 2023 UL http://www.eneuro.org/content/10/1/ENEURO.0385-22.2022.abstract AB Altered decision making at advanced ages can have a significant impact on an individual’s quality of life and the ability to maintain personal independence. Relative to young adults, older adults make less impulsive and less risky choices; although these changes in decision making could be considered beneficial, they can also lead to choices with potentially negative consequences (e.g., avoidance of medical procedures). Rodent models of decision making have been invaluable for dissecting cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms that contribute to age-related changes in decision making, but they have predominantly used costs related to timing or probability of reward delivery and have not considered other equally important costs, such as the risk of adverse consequences. The current study therefore used a rat model of decision making involving risk of explicit punishment to examine age-related changes in this form of choice behavior in male rats, and to identify potential cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms that contribute to these changes. Relative to young rats, aged rats displayed greater risk aversion, which was not attributable to reduced motivation for food, changes in shock sensitivity, or impaired cognitive flexibility. Functional MRI analyses revealed that, overall, functional connectivity was greater in aged rats compared with young rats, particularly among brain regions implicated in risky decision making such as basolateral amygdala, orbitofrontal cortex, and ventral tegmental area. Collectively, these findings are consistent with greater risk aversion found in older humans, and reveal age-related changes in brain connectivity.