RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Sound-Evoked Responses of Distinct Neuron Classes from the Tail of the Striatum JF eneuro JO eNeuro FD Society for Neuroscience SP ENEURO.0201-22.2022 DO 10.1523/ENEURO.0201-22.2022 VO 9 IS 5 A1 Nardoci, Matthew B. A1 Lakunina, Anna A. A1 Henderling, Devin C. A1 Pedregon, Jewlyssa C. A1 Mohn, Jennifer L. A1 Jaramillo, Santiago YR 2022 UL http://www.eneuro.org/content/9/5/ENEURO.0201-22.2022.abstract AB Given its inputs from auditory structures and neuromodulatory systems, the posterior tail of the striatum is ideally positioned to influence behavioral responses to acoustic stimuli according to context and previous rewards. Results from previous studies indicate that neurons in this striatal region display selective responses to sounds. However, it is not clear whether different striatal cell classes code for distinct features of sounds or how different striatal output pathways may use acoustic information to guide behavior. Here we compared the sound-evoked responses of posterior striatal neurons that form the striatal direct pathway (and express the dopamine receptor D1) to the responses of neighboring neurons in naive mice. We achieved this via optogenetic photo-identification of D1-expressing neurons during extracellular electrophysiological recordings in awake head-fixed mice of both sexes. We found that the frequency tuning of sound-responsive direct-pathway striatal neurons is comparable with that of their sound-responsive neighbors. Moreover, we found that both populations encode amplitude-modulated sounds in a similar fashion. These results suggest that different classes of neurons in the posterior striatum of naive animals have similar access to acoustic features conveyed by the auditory system even outside the context of an auditory task.