PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Pandey, Pratima AU - Bhat, Umer S. AU - Singh, Anuradha AU - Joy, Aiswarya AU - Birari, Varun AU - Kadam, Nagesh Y. AU - Babu, Kavita TI - Dauer Formation in <em>C. elegans</em> Is Modulated through AWC and ASI-Dependent Chemosensation AID - 10.1523/ENEURO.0473-20.2021 DP - 2021 Mar 01 TA - eneuro PG - ENEURO.0473-20.2021 VI - 8 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - eNeuro2021 Mar 01; 8 AB - The perception of our surrounding environment is an amalgamation of stimuli detected by sensory neurons. In Caenorhabditis elegans, olfaction is an essential behavior that determines various behavioral functions such as locomotion, feeding and development. Sensory olfactory cues also initiate downstream neuroendocrine signaling that controls aging, learning, development and reproduction. Innate sensory preferences toward odors (food, pathogens) and reproductive pheromones are modulated by 11 pairs of amphid chemosensory neurons in the head region of C. elegans. Amongst these sensory neurons, the ASI neuron has neuroendocrine functions and secretes neuropeptides, insulin-like peptide (DAF-28) and the TGF-β protein, DAF-7. Its expression levels are modulated by the presence of food (increased levels) and population density (decreased levels). A recent study has shown that EXP-1, an excitatory GABA receptor regulates DAF-7/TGF-β levels and participates in DAF-7/TGF-β-mediated behaviors such as aggregation and bordering. Here, we show that exp-1 mutants show defective responses toward AWC-sensed attractive odors in a non-autonomous manner through ASI neurons. Our dauer experiments reveal that in daf-7 mutants, ASI expressed EXP-1 and STR-2 (a G-protein-coupled receptor; GPCR) that partially maintained reproductive growth of animals. Further, studies suggest that neuronal connections between ASI and AWC neurons are allowed at least partially through ASI secreted DAF-7 or through alternate TGF- β pathway/s regulated by EXP-1 and STR-2. Together, our behavioral, genetic and imaging experiments propose that EXP-1 and STR-2 integrate food cues and allow the animals to display DAF-7/TGF-β neuroendocrine dependent or independent behavioral responses contributing to chemosensensory and developmental plasticity.