RT Journal Article
SR Electronic
T1 miR-92a Suppresses Mushroom Body-Dependent Memory Consolidation in Drosophila
JF eneuro
JO eNeuro
FD Society for Neuroscience
SP ENEURO.0224-20.2020
DO 10.1523/ENEURO.0224-20.2020
VO 7
IS 4
A1 Guven-Ozkan, Tugba
A1 Busto, Germain U.
A1 Jung, Jae-Yoon
A1 Drago, Ilaria
A1 Davis, Ronald L.
YR 2020
UL http://www.eneuro.org/content/7/4/ENEURO.0224-20.2020.abstract
AB MicroRNAs (miRNAs) fine tune gene expression to regulate many aspects of nervous system physiology. Here, we show that miR-92a suppresses memory consolidation that occurs in the αβ and γ mushroom body neurons (MBns) of Drosophila, making miR-92a a memory suppressor miRNA. Bioinformatics analyses suggested that mRNAs encoding kinesin heavy chain 73 (KHC73), a protein that belongs to Kinesin-3 family of anterograde motor proteins, may be a functional target of miR-92a. Behavioral studies that employed expression of khc73 with and without its 3’ untranslated region (UTR) containing miR-92a target sites, luciferase assays in HEK cells with reporters containing wild-type and mutant target sequences in the khc73 3’UTR, and immunohistochemistry experiments involving KHC73 expression with and without the wild-type khc73 3’UTR, all point to the conclusion that khc73 is a major target of miR-92a in its functional role as a miRNA memory suppressor gene.