PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Zonooz, Bahram AU - Van Opstal, A. John TI - Differential Adaptation in Azimuth and Elevation to Acute Monaural Spatial Hearing after Training with Visual Feedback AID - 10.1523/ENEURO.0219-19.2019 DP - 2019 Nov 01 TA - eneuro PG - ENEURO.0219-19.2019 VI - 6 IP - 6 4099 - 4100 - SO - eNeuro2019 Nov 01; 6 AB - Sound localization in the horizontal plane (azimuth) relies mainly on binaural difference cues in sound level and arrival time. Blocking one ear will perturb these cues, and may strongly affect azimuth performance of the listener. However, single-sided deaf listeners, as well as acutely single-sided plugged normal-hearing subjects, often use a combination of (ambiguous) monaural head-shadow cues, impoverished binaural level-difference cues, and (veridical, but limited) pinna- and head-related spectral cues to estimate source azimuth. To what extent listeners can adjust the relative contributions of these different cues is unknown, as the mechanisms underlying adaptive processes to acute monauralization are still unclear. By providing visual feedback during a brief training session with a high-pass (HP) filtered sound at a fixed sound level, we investigated the ability of listeners to adapt to their erroneous sound-localization percepts. We show that acutely plugged listeners rapidly adjusted the relative contributions of perceived sound level, and the spectral and distorted binaural cues, to improve their localization performance in azimuth also for different sound levels and locations than those experienced during training. Interestingly, our results also show that this acute cue-reweighting led to poorer localization performance in elevation, which was in line with the acoustic–spatial information provided during training. We conclude that the human auditory system rapidly readjusts the weighting of all relevant localization cues, to adequately respond to the demands of the current acoustic environment, even if the adjustments may hamper veridical localization performance in the real world.