Ranksum or t-test p values for average tPRP for each electrode calculated per mouse for Trough thetaBeta hippocampus pFDR = 5.000000e-02 p value ranksum for S+ Proficient vs S- Proficient = 3.369977e-16 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S- Proficient = 3.819021e-16 p value ranksum for S- Naive vs S- Proficient = 3.535704e-14 p value ranksum for S+ Proficient vs S- Naive = 4.584373e-05 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S- Naive = 1.585457e-02 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S+ Proficient = 2.569699e-02 Ranksum or t-test p values for average tPRP for each electrode calculated per mouse for Peak thetaBeta hippocampus pFDR = 5.000000e-02 p value ranksum for S+ Proficient vs S- Proficient = 2.792257e-16 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S- Proficient = 4.605281e-16 p value ranksum for S- Naive vs S- Proficient = 2.490102e-14 p value ranksum for S+ Proficient vs S- Naive = 1.421389e-05 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S+ Proficient = 1.013918e-02 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S- Naive = 1.945857e-02 glm for average tPRP per odor pair per mouse for Peak thetaBeta hippocampus mdl = Generalized linear regression model: tPRP ~ [Linear formula with 8 terms in 3 predictors] Distribution = Normal Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue ________ _______ ________ __________ (Intercept) 0.59545 0.47774 1.2464 0.21341 naive_vs_proficient_2 -0.68348 0.67563 -1.0116 0.31238 rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2 -10.279 0.67563 -15.214 6.7601e-41 peak_trough_1 0.80364 0.67563 1.1895 0.23502 naive_vs_proficient_2:rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2 8.7815 0.95548 9.1907 2.9236e-18 naive_vs_proficient_2:peak_trough_1 -0.38007 0.95548 -0.39778 0.69102 rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2:peak_trough_1 -0.90866 0.95548 -0.951 0.34223 naive_vs_proficient_2:rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2:peak_trough_1 0.78301 1.3513 0.57947 0.56263 376 observations, 368 error degrees of freedom Estimated Dispersion: 10.7 F-statistic vs. constant model: 91.2, p-value = 1.89e-76 Nested ANOVAN for tPRP during odor per mouse per odor pair for Beta for hippocampus Source Sum Sq. d.f. Singular? Mean Sq. F Prob>F naive_vs_proficient 1360.74930 1.00000 0.00000 1360.74930 204.05824 0.00000 rewarded_vs_unrewarded 3511.88339 1.00000 0.00000 3511.88339 526.64276 0.00000 peak_vs_trough 11.53994 1.00000 0.00000 11.53994 1.73053 0.18926 mouse_no(naive_vs_proficient,rewarded_vs_unrewarded,peak_vs_trough) 1763.91063 41.00000 0.00000 43.02221 6.45162 0.00000 naive_vs_proficient*rewarded_vs_unrewarded 1962.00040 1.00000 0.00000 1962.00040 294.22198 0.00000 naive_vs_proficient*peak_vs_trough 0.00407 1.00000 0.00000 0.00407 0.00061 0.98031 rewarded_vs_unrewarded*peak_vs_trough 6.11225 1.00000 0.00000 6.11225 0.91659 0.33908 Error 2187.24693 328.00000 0.00000 6.66844 Total 10794.37867 375.00000 0.00000 Ranksum or t-test p values for average PRP for each electrode calculated per mouse for Trough thetaBeta hippocampus pFDR = 5.000000e-02 p value ranksum for S+ Proficient vs S- Proficient = 3.819021e-16 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S- Proficient = 4.065163e-16 p value ranksum for S- Naive vs S- Proficient = 2.640308e-14 p value ranksum for S+ Proficient vs S- Naive = 1.261359e-04 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S+ Proficient = 1.945857e-02 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S- Naive = 3.688049e-02 Ranksum or t-test p values for average PRP for each electrode calculated per mouse for Peak thetaBeta hippocampus pFDR = 5.000000e-02 p value t-test for S+ Proficient vs S- Proficient = 2.198402e-20 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S- Proficient = 3.369977e-16 p value ranksum for S- Naive vs S- Proficient = 1.750162e-14 p value t-test for S+ Proficient vs S- Naive = 1.202198e-04 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S+ Proficient = 1.489459e-02 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S- Naive = 2.520003e-02 glm for average PRP per odor pair per mouse for Peak thetaBeta prefrontal mdl = Generalized linear regression model: tPRP ~ [Linear formula with 8 terms in 3 predictors] Distribution = Normal Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue ________ _______ ________ __________ (Intercept) 0.8319 0.495 1.6806 0.093688 naive_vs_proficient_2 -0.96045 0.70004 -1.372 0.1709 rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2 -11.456 0.70004 -16.364 1.2897e-45 peak_trough_1 0.77401 0.70004 1.1057 0.26959 naive_vs_proficient_2:rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2 9.9407 0.99 10.041 3.9655e-21 naive_vs_proficient_2:peak_trough_1 -0.35163 0.99 -0.35519 0.72265 rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2:peak_trough_1 -0.90946 0.99 -0.91865 0.35888 naive_vs_proficient_2:rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2:peak_trough_1 0.73978 1.4001 0.52839 0.59755 376 observations, 368 error degrees of freedom Estimated Dispersion: 11.5 F-statistic vs. constant model: 103, p-value = 7.3e-83 Nested ANOVAN for tPRP during odor per mouse per odor pair for Beta for prefrontal Source Sum Sq. d.f. Singular? Mean Sq. F Prob>F naive_vs_proficient 1580.40436 1.00000 0.00000 1580.40436 222.22701 0.00000 rewarded_vs_unrewarded 4213.64794 1.00000 0.00000 4213.64794 592.49798 0.00000 peak_vs_trough 9.80154 1.00000 0.00000 9.80154 1.37823 0.24125 mouse_no(naive_vs_proficient,rewarded_vs_unrewarded,peak_vs_trough) 1908.54171 41.00000 0.00000 46.54980 6.54555 0.00000 naive_vs_proficient*rewarded_vs_unrewarded 2457.59546 1.00000 0.00000 2457.59546 345.57238 0.00000 naive_vs_proficient*peak_vs_trough 0.00778 1.00000 0.00000 0.00778 0.00109 0.97364 rewarded_vs_unrewarded*peak_vs_trough 6.64853 1.00000 0.00000 6.64853 0.93488 0.33431 Error 2332.62654 328.00000 0.00000 7.11167 Total 12564.15021 375.00000 0.00000 Ranksum or t-test p values for average tPRP for each electrode calculated per mouse for Trough thetaHigh gamma hippocampus pFDR = 3.333333e-02 p value t-test for S+ Proficient vs S- Proficient = 3.295102e-18 p value t-test for S+ Naive vs S- Proficient = 6.067014e-15 p value t-test for S- Naive vs S- Proficient = 6.692629e-14 p value t-test for S+ Naive vs S- Naive = 1.088030e-03 p values below are > pFDR p value t-test for S+ Proficient vs S- Naive = 2.110482e-01 p value t-test for S+ Naive vs S+ Proficient = 8.039308e-01 Ranksum or t-test p values for average tPRP for each electrode calculated per mouse for Peak thetaHigh gamma hippocampus pFDR = 5.000000e-02 p value ranksum for S+ Proficient vs S- Proficient = 2.312403e-16 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S- Proficient = 3.369977e-16 p value t-test for S- Naive vs S- Proficient = 1.163897e-15 p value ranksum for S+ Proficient vs S- Naive = 2.753785e-06 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S+ Proficient = 1.614289e-03 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S- Naive = 9.919926e-03 glm for average tPRP per odor pair per mouse for Peak thetaHigh gamma hippocampus mdl = Generalized linear regression model: tPRP ~ [Linear formula with 8 terms in 3 predictors] Distribution = Normal Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue ________ _______ _______ __________ (Intercept) -1.2236 0.44018 -2.7797 0.0057206 naive_vs_proficient_2 0.10055 0.62252 0.16152 0.87177 rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2 -4.9026 0.62252 -7.8755 3.8546e-14 peak_trough_1 5.0665 0.62252 8.1388 6.2282e-15 naive_vs_proficient_2:rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2 4.2316 0.88037 4.8066 2.2401e-06 naive_vs_proficient_2:peak_trough_1 -2.1629 0.88037 -2.4568 0.014477 rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2:peak_trough_1 -6.3678 0.88037 -7.2331 2.7609e-12 naive_vs_proficient_2:rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2:peak_trough_1 5.3149 1.245 4.2689 2.5026e-05 376 observations, 368 error degrees of freedom Estimated Dispersion: 9.11 F-statistic vs. constant model: 72.7, p-value = 1.56e-65 Nested ANOVAN for tPRP during odor per mouse per odor pair for High gamma for hippocampus Source Sum Sq. d.f. Singular? Mean Sq. F Prob>F naive_vs_proficient 608.50996 1.00000 0.00000 608.50996 141.21299 0.00000 rewarded_vs_unrewarded 1997.72056 1.00000 0.00000 1997.72056 463.59816 0.00000 peak_vs_trough 425.48186 1.00000 0.00000 425.48186 98.73884 0.00000 mouse_no(naive_vs_proficient,rewarded_vs_unrewarded,peak_vs_trough) 2103.86974 41.00000 0.00000 51.31390 11.90809 0.00000 naive_vs_proficient*rewarded_vs_unrewarded 1103.20523 1.00000 0.00000 1103.20523 256.01374 0.00000 naive_vs_proficient*peak_vs_trough 7.22551 1.00000 0.00000 7.22551 1.67678 0.19626 rewarded_vs_unrewarded*peak_vs_trough 316.18835 1.00000 0.00000 316.18835 73.37580 0.00000 Error 1413.40582 328.00000 0.00000 4.30916 Total 7984.27887 375.00000 0.00000 Ranksum or t-test p values for average PRP for each electrode calculated per mouse for Trough thetaHigh gamma hippocampus pFDR = 2.500000e-02 p value t-test for S+ Proficient vs S- Proficient = 1.500323e-17 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S- Proficient = 1.302537e-14 p value ranksum for S- Naive vs S- Proficient = 2.259641e-12 p values below are > pFDR p value t-test for S+ Proficient vs S- Naive = 2.436743e-01 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S- Naive = 3.002113e-01 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S+ Proficient = 9.879334e-01 Ranksum or t-test p values for average PRP for each electrode calculated per mouse for Peak thetaHigh gamma hippocampus pFDR = 5.000000e-02 p value ranksum for S+ Proficient vs S- Proficient = 1.228848e-16 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S- Proficient = 2.462551e-16 p value ranksum for S- Naive vs S- Proficient = 9.680345e-15 p value ranksum for S+ Proficient vs S- Naive = 4.430896e-06 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S+ Proficient = 1.744337e-03 p value ranksum for S+ Naive vs S- Naive = 1.130146e-02 glm for average PRP per odor pair per mouse for Peak thetaHigh gamma prefrontal mdl = Generalized linear regression model: tPRP ~ [Linear formula with 8 terms in 3 predictors] Distribution = Normal Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue ________ _______ ________ __________ (Intercept) -1.1917 0.4703 -2.5339 0.011693 naive_vs_proficient_2 0.026984 0.66511 0.040572 0.96766 rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2 -5.116 0.66511 -7.6919 1.3402e-13 peak_trough_1 5.8451 0.66511 8.7883 5.882e-17 naive_vs_proficient_2:rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2 4.5476 0.9406 4.8347 1.9621e-06 naive_vs_proficient_2:peak_trough_1 -2.6837 0.9406 -2.8532 0.0045729 rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2:peak_trough_1 -7.6605 0.9406 -8.1443 5.9944e-15 naive_vs_proficient_2:rewarded_vs_unrewarded_2:peak_trough_1 6.3539 1.3302 4.7766 2.5792e-06 376 observations, 368 error degrees of freedom Estimated Dispersion: 10.4 F-statistic vs. constant model: 77.5, p-value = 1.64e-68 Nested ANOVAN for tPRP during odor per mouse per odor pair for High gamma for prefrontal Source Sum Sq. d.f. Singular? Mean Sq. F Prob>F naive_vs_proficient 651.65178 1.00000 0.00000 651.65178 127.38037 0.00000 rewarded_vs_unrewarded 2385.85043 1.00000 0.00000 2385.85043 466.36950 0.00000 peak_vs_trough 475.63306 1.00000 0.00000 475.63306 92.97345 0.00000 mouse_no(naive_vs_proficient,rewarded_vs_unrewarded,peak_vs_trough) 2384.77663 41.00000 0.00000 58.16528 11.36975 0.00000 naive_vs_proficient*rewarded_vs_unrewarded 1377.54561 1.00000 0.00000 1377.54561 269.27307 0.00000 naive_vs_proficient*peak_vs_trough 6.87647 1.00000 0.00000 6.87647 1.34417 0.24714 rewarded_vs_unrewarded*peak_vs_trough 458.85946 1.00000 0.00000 458.85946 89.69467 0.00000 Error 1677.98052 328.00000 0.00000 5.11579 Total 9463.38817 375.00000 0.00000